篇名 弥合教育数字鸿沟——美国《国家教育技术规划(NETP 2024)》报告要点与思考
並列篇名 Bridging the Digital Divide in Education: Key Points and Reflections of the National Educational Technology Plan (NETP 2024) in the United States
作者 兰国帅(LAN Guoshuai) 、杜水莲(DU Shuilian) 、肖琪(XIAO Qi) 、宋帆(SONG Fan) 、宋梦琪(SONG Mengqi) 、丁琳琳(DING Linlin)
中文摘要 2024年1月,美国教育部发布第七版《国家教育技术规划(NETP 2024)》,从教育数字资源访问、数字教育教学设计和教育数字化使用领域等角度,提出了数字访问、设计和使用三种教育数字鸿沟,呼吁采取行动,为支持学习技术的获取、设计和使用的不平等建立系统解决方案。了解该规划有助于厘清教育数字化转型中存在的数字鸿沟,为学习者和教育者提供公平获取教育技术的机会。文章采用内容分析法和比较分析法,阐述美国发布该规划的背景和目的,比较了七版规划的差异,分析和勾勒规划的侧重点,并从技术整合视角论述了教育数字化转型中存在的数字鸿沟及其缓解策略,最后从教育强国建设视角反思了该规划对我国教育技术发展规划的启示,以期为加速教育数字化转型,加快建设教育强国提供参考。
英文摘要 The US National Educational Technology Plan (NETP) has been updated seven times since its release in 1996. In January 2024, the US Department of Education released the National Educational Technology Plan (NETP 2024), which covers the areas of educational digital resource access, digital education instructional design, and digital use of education. Three educational digital divides, digital access divide, design divide, and use divide, are proposed, calling for action to build systematic solutions to inequalities that support access, design, and use of learning technologies. Accurately interpreting the plan will help clarify existing digital access, design, and use divides in the digital transformation of education and promote equitable access to educational technologies for learners and educators. By using content analysis and comparative analysis, this paper expounds on the background and research purpose of the National Educational Technology Plan (NETP 2024) of the United States, compares the differences between the seven editions of the National Educational Technology Plan of the United States to reveal its different foci and emphases of the national educational technology development. Finally, from the perspective of education empowering state construction, the paper draws implications for China's education technology development planning and provides a practical reference for accelerating the digital transformation of education in China.
頁次 059-068
關鍵詞 国家教育技术规划 数字访问鸿沟 数字设计鸿沟 数字使用鸿沟 教育强国 教育数字化转型 national educational technology plan digital access divide digital design divide digital usage divide education power education digital transformation CSSCI
卷期 30:2
日期 202404
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學
DOI 10.13966/j.cnki.kfjyyj.2024.02.007