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篇名 從環境掃描觀點分析中國大陸托育行業之發展
並列篇名 Analyze the Development of the Child-care Services in Mainland China from the Perspective of Environmental Scanning
作者 徐千惠(Chien-Huei Hsu)
中文摘要 嬰幼兒托育服務之發展為近年來世界各國關注之焦點,中國大陸於開放二胎政策後,也重啟對托育服務發展之規劃。本研究應用PEST-SWOT分析模型,探討中國大陸托育服務行業之發展,並透過SWOT之評估,從中發掘中國大陸托育服務行業發展過程中可能產生之問題,例如從業人力資源不足、服務品質良莠不齊等,進而提出落實地方政府供給優惠措施、建立有效管理機制等具體建議。
英文摘要 The development of child-care services for infants and young children has become the focus of attention in countries around the world in recent years. After the opening of the second child policy, Mainland China has also restarted its emphasis on the development of child-care services in accordance with the actual needs of people’s livelihood. This study use the PEST-SWOT analysis model to explore the influence of political factors (P), economic factors (E), social factors (S), technical factors (T) and other factors on the development of the nursery service industry in Mainland China, and through the Strength (S), Weakness (W), Opportunities (O) and Threats (T) are evaluated, with a view to discussing possible problems in the development of the nursery service industry in Mainland China, and provide relevant suggestions for subsequent research and industry development. From the perspective of policy formulation, there are two conclusions and suggestions: (1) The current policy guides the development direction of the child-care industry, and it is recommended that local governments provide subsidies and tax incentives for joint support. (2) Many child-care institutions do not in line with the existing regulations, it is recommended to quickly establish an effective management mechanism to promote the quality management of child-care. From the perspective of industry development, there are two conclusions and suggestions: (1) The service quality of the existing child-care industry is different, and it is recommended to establish an industry association to establish an operator Consensus on quality. (2) Childcare institutions lack sufficient manpower, and it is recommended to establish a cooperative teaching mechanism with schools.
頁次 113-128
關鍵詞 PEST-SWOT 中國大陸托育 托育行業 托育服務 環境掃描 PEST-SWOT China’s child-care child-care industry child-care services environmental scanning
卷期 324
日期 202104
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602021040324007