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篇名 柯維七大習慣及其對品格教育的蘊義–以印尼小學為例
並列篇名 An Implication of Covey’s 7 Habits for Character Education – A Case of Indonesian Primary School
作者 周清英(Liliana Lestari) 、溫明麗(Sophia Ming-Lee Wen)
中文摘要 品格教育在自上世紀已經成為一些國家的熱門話題,包括印尼。學生的壞習慣已成為家長、教師、社會乃至於國家的困擾。人類開始自覺能使人成功的原因不僅是腦袋裏面知識,更重要的是性格。柯維 7大習慣顯示透過習慣培養學生的自我內在是具意義的。本文採用文獻分析,觀察和訪問法,探討當前印尼小學的品格危機,探討柯維七大習及其對品格教育蘊義以一所印尼小學為例子。研究結果發現學校實施的品格教育不夠培養到學生的意識,學校沒有明確的品格教育方案,並學校教育人員尚未完全投入支持學校的品格教育。 因此,品格教育對於學生行為改變的影響仍顯不足。因此仍針對學生當前的品格危機,柯維 7大習慣的概念可以作為一種理念來啓發學校的品格教育。
英文摘要 Character education has been becoming a hot topic in the education field in several countries since last century, including Indonesia. The rampant of bad manners done by students has become restlessness of parents, teachers, society members and even countries. Human beings realize more about the most important thing that brings someone to success is not merely knowledge, but also character. Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits show significantly for cultivating students’ inner self through habits. Using the literature analysis, observation, interview, and focus group discussion this paper investigates the current character crisis happening in Indonesian schools, examine the character education implemented by one of the primary schools in Indonesia as an example, and dig the implications of 7 Habits for character education. The research result shows that the pupils’ willingness is not built in the education process, the school hasn’t had explicit programs and clear target of character education, the character education in school is not supported by all stakeholders because lack of socialization. For this condition, then Covey’s 7 Habits can be one of the alternatives to develop the character education in the school to answer the pupils’ character crisis nowadays.
頁次 001-029
關鍵詞 品格教育 柯維 7大習慣 印尼小學 character education Covey’s 7 habits Indonesian primary school
卷期 7
日期 201506
刊名 教育學術彙刊
出版單位 台灣首府大學教育研究所