

篇名 參與2018 PISA國家的本地與不同世代移民子女閱讀素養因素及其差異之研究
並列篇名 A Study of Reading Literacy Factors and Differences between Native and Immigrant Students Based on 2018 PISA Database
作者 張芳全(Fang-Chung Chang)
中文摘要 本研究探討74個國家的本地生、第一代與第二代移民子女家庭社經地位、期望就讀大學、隔離指數與閱讀素養之差異,以及這些因素對閱讀素養影響。透過參與2018 PISA國家(包含臺灣)資料分析結論如下:(1)本地生的家庭社經地位與閱讀素養明顯高於兩代移民子女,但本地生期望讀大學沒有明顯高於移民子女,在家講其他種語言比率明顯低於移民子女;(2)第二代移民子女閱讀素養明顯高於第一代,在家講其他種語言比率明顯低於第一代;兩代移民子女在家庭社經地位和期望就讀大學沒有明顯差異;(3)本地生、兩代移民子女家庭社經地位,以及兩代移民子女期望就讀大學對閱讀素養有提升效果;(4)兩代移民子女在家講其他種語言比率對於閱讀素養沒有明顯影響;移民子女的隔離指數對閱讀素養為負向影響。本研究貢獻在於發現,不同世代移民子女的家庭背景、在家語言使用、社會隔離、教育期望是提升閱讀素養重要因素。政府及學校應注意移民子女社會隔離,而學校應留意移民子女在家使用語言情形,避免降低閱讀素養。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences between native, first-generation and second-generation immigrant children's family socioeconomic status, expectation to attend university, segregation index and reading literacy, and the impact of these factors on reading literacy. Based on the data of 74 countries in the 2018 PISA, the conclusions were followings: 1) The socioeconomic status and reading literacy of native-born families were significantly higher than those of second- and first-generation immigrant children. The expectation for local students to go to university was not significantly higher than that of immigrant children, and the rate of speaking other languages at home was significantly lower than that of immigrant children. 2) The reading scores of the second-generation immigrant were significantly higher than those of the first-generation, while the ratio of speaking other languages at home was significantly lower than that of the first-generation students. 3) The socioeconomic status of native, immigrant children had an effect on improving reading literacy. Different generations immigrant children's desire to attend university contributed to improved reading literacy. 4) The rate of non-instructional language used at home by immigrant children had no significant effect on literacy; the segregation index of immigrant children had a negative significantly effect on literacy. The contribution of this research lies in finding that the family background, language usage at home, social isolation, and education-expectations of immigrant children were important factors for improving reading literacy. We should pay attention to the social isolation of immigrant children, and schools should pay attention to the language use of immigrant children at home to avoid a decline in reading literacy. Specific recommendations were provided.
頁次 059-102
關鍵詞 本地生 第一代移民 第二代移民 隔離指數 閱讀素養 first-generation immigrant native students reading learning literacy second-generation immigrant segregation index TSSCI
卷期 35:2
日期 202212
刊名 教育實踐與研究
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學