

篇名 教師社會地位與專業發展之國際比較
並列篇名 International Comparison of Social Status and Professional Development of Teachers in Taiwan
作者 王如哲(Ru-Jer Wang)
中文摘要 本文旨在針對臺灣教師社會地位與專業發展進行國際比較,使用之方法為文件分析法,文件來源包括瓦爾基基金會(The Varkey Foundation)和國際教師聯盟(EducationInternational)。本文除了前言與結語之外,內容主要分成二大部分,分別敘述教師社會地位與教師專業發展,並進行國際比較。教師社會地位部分主要引用「全球教師地位與教師專業」(The Global Status of Teachers and the Teaching Profession)報告書與「2018年全球教師地位指數」(Global Teacher Status Index 2018)之內容,分析並比較不同國家的教師地位排名情形。教師專業發展部分則闡述教師專業發展的定義、特徵、目的與類型,並運用國際相關研究資料分析教師專業發展與學生成就之關聯性。
英文摘要 The main purpose of this article is to look at teachers’ social status and professional development and compare them across countries. The method of documentary analysis was employed and documents were collected from the Varkey Foundation, and the Foundation of Education International. In addition to introduction and concluding remarks, there are two main sections to describe and compare teachers’ social status and professional development across countries respectively. The section of teachers’ social status is mainly to look at the relevant contents of the Global Status of Teachers and the Teaching Profession, and the Global Teacher Status Index 2018. The section of teachers’ professional development is to examine defi nitions, features, purposes, and types of teachers’ professional development, and analyze its links to student achievements by the use of international evidence concerned.
頁次 018-031
關鍵詞 國際比較 專業發展 教師社會地位 臺灣 international comparison professional development social status Taiwan
卷期 311
日期 202003
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602020030311002