

篇名 轻量级生理反馈技术的教育应用及测量——基于2015—2020年的文献综述
並列篇名 Investigating the Spring Biofeedback Techniques in Educational Application and Measurement:A Review from 2015 to 2020
作者 翟雪松(ZHAI Xuesong) 、束永红(SHU Yonghong) 、楚肖燕(CHU Xiaoyan) 、朱雨萌(ZHU Yumeng)
中文摘要 轻量级生理反馈技术以其便携、投入低、轻干扰、技术成熟等优势,让大规模监测和干预学习者情感、认知、健康成为可能,代表了教育技术从实验室走向课堂,从数据采集到行为干预的发展方向。本研究归纳了Web of Science和中国知网两大数据库中四种轻量级生理反馈技术(心率反馈、皮温反馈、呼吸反馈、皮电反馈),从教育应用场景和测量方式两个角度提出了该技术在教育实践中的应用模式和技术路线,展望了轻量级生理反馈技术在未来非正式场馆学习,有效学习行为干预的前景,思考了未来实现教育生理、教育管理、教育资源融通发展的现代化教育治理生态。
英文摘要 Spring biofeedback techniques, featuring in portability, low invasion, light Interference and maturity, have big potential in monitoring and intervening learners’ emotion, cognition and health massively. Representing the development direction of educational technology from laboratory to classroom, from data collection to behavioral intervention, this study reviewed four Spring biofeedback techniques (heart rate feedback, skin temperature feedback, respiration feedback, skin electrical feedback) in WOS and CNK1. The study contributed to summarize the application mode and technical route of spring biofeedback from perspectives of educational scenarios and measurements. The spring biofeedback technology in informal learning context and effective learning behavior intervention in the future are prospected. Moreover, the modern educational manage ecology to realize the integration of educational biofeedback, educational management and learning resources in the future was discussed.
頁次 037-046
關鍵詞 轻量级 生理反馈 教育应用 教育测量 Spring biofeedback educational application educational measurement CSSCI
卷期 26:6
日期 202012
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學
DOI 10.13966/j.cnki.kfjyyj.2020.06.004