

篇名 教保服務人員幸福感之初探
並列篇名 A Preliminary Exploration of Preschool Educators’ Well-Being
作者 劉乙儀(Yi-Yi Liu)
中文摘要 教保服務人員幸福感相關研究在教育領域上已日益增加並獲致重視,但隨著幼托整合與學前教育公共化等教育思潮演進,教保服務人員幸福感將有別於以往研究場域,因此,本計畫欲初步瞭解教保服務人員幸福感在不同教育機構發展之貌,以及分析影響教保服務人員幸福感之可能因素,以利規劃更為完詳的教保服務人員幸福感藍圖。本計畫使用文獻分析法與訪談法進行資料蒐集,以進一步瞭解臺灣教保服務人員幸福感發展現況以及未來展望,進而建構本土教保服務人員幸福感之願景目標,本計畫之研究目的包括:(1)研覽相關研究文獻,以瞭解教保服務人員幸福感之意涵、相關理論及其國內外研究概況;(2)訪談公私立教保服務人員對幸福感之見解以及實務現場運作情形;(3)運用訪談結果,提出研究結果與建議。
英文摘要 Studies on the well-being of preschool educators have caught an increasing amount of attention in the field of education. As the new concepts of education emerged, such as the integration of kindergartens and nursery schools and the expansion of public preschool education, more and more studies on preschool educators’ well-being have been conducted in institutions different from those in previous studies. Therefore, this project aims to understand how preschool educators’ well-being is developed in various educational institutions and the possible factors that influence their well-being, thereby to establish a comprehensive blueprint for the development of preschool educators’ well-being. This projects plans to conduct literature analysis and in-depth interview for data collection to understand the current development of Taiwanese preschool educators’ well-being and the future prospect, with a goal to construct a visionary goal for local preschool educators’ wellbeing. The research objectives of this project are as follows: (1) to identify the meaning and related theories of preschool educators’ well-being as well as the research findings of domestic and international studies by conducting literature review; (2) to understand public and private preschool educators’ viewpoints on well-being and how they perform their work at the site by performing in-depth interview; and (3) to propose research findings and recommendations by using the interview results.
頁次 031-052
關鍵詞 教保服務人員 幸福感 Preschool Educators Well-Being
卷期 132
日期 202103
刊名 學校行政
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.202103_(132).0002