

篇名 为了共同生活的社区:夏山学校学生惩戒研究
並列篇名 Building a Better School Community: Study on the Students' Discipline of Summerhill School
作者 李娜(LI Na) 、王名扬(WANG Mingyang) 、郝盼盼(HAO Panpan)
中文摘要 作为一所拥有百年历史的“自由”学校,夏山学校对学生违规行为的惩戒独特而富有教育意义。在惩戒的价值取向上,惩戒的性质是对社区规则的学习过程而非道德宣判,其目标是保护与教育儿童,既体现“双向保护”的未成年人保护原则,又体现面向全体学生的警示教育原则。在惩戒的决策主体和程序上,以学生为主体的全校大会讨论违规行为并做出惩戒决策,决策程序遵循师生绝对平等和民主原则,对决策结果有异议的学生可通过申诉程序维护合法权利。在惩戒方式上,夏山学校有许多颇具创意的惩戒方式,并通过校内各类委员会和同伴压力保证惩戒有效执行。在惩戒的文化理念上,体现了“以非放纵的自由获得自律之自由”的自由发展理念,“用爱解决学生的问题行为而非惩戒问题学生”的理性之爱理念,以及“使有形规则与无形秩序交织的高满意度社区”的共同体生活理念。
英文摘要 As a "free" school with a history of 100 years, Summerhill School' s students' discipline is unique and educational. In terms of the value orientation of discipline, the nature of discipline is to promote students' learning of community rules rather than making moral judgments. Its goal is to protect and educate children, which embodies both the principle of "two-way protection" of juvenile protection and the principle of warning education for all students. In terms of the main body and procedures of discipline, the School Meeting mainly composed of students discusses violations and makes disciplinary decision,the decision-making procedure follows the principles of absolute equality and democracy between teachers and students, and the school provides appeal procedure for students who are dissatisfied with the decision-making results to protect the legitimate rights of students. In terms of disciplinary methods, Summerhill School has developed quite creative disciplinary actions and ensure their implementation through various school committees and peer pressure. In terms of the cultural concept of discipline, it embodies the free development concept of "gaining the freedom of self-discipline through restricted freedom", the rational love concept of "handling student infractions with love rather than punishment", and the concept of community life of "a highly satisfactory community with visible rules and invisible order".
頁次 031-039
關鍵詞 夏山学校 学生惩戒 学生自治 Summerhill School students' discipline student autonomy CSSCI
卷期 44:7
日期 202207
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所
DOI 10.20013/j.cnki.ICE. 2022.07.04