篇名 百年人生脈絡下的成人及終身教育:變遷社會中,成人教育研究的新方向
並列篇名 Adult and Lifelong Education in the Context of a Hundred Years of Life: A New Direction in the Adult Education Research in a Changing Society
作者 李藹慈(Iris Ai-Tzu Li) 、魏惠娟(Hui-Chuan Wei)
中文摘要 本文首先回顧我國成人與終身教育發展脈絡,從降低不識字率的成人教育到提供第二次教育機會,接著進入第一個轉型階段,成人教育的發展更系統化與多元化;自2008年起,進入第二個轉型階段即學習以前瞻因應高齡社會。其次,探討影響我國成人與終身教育發展的脈絡因素,發現與社會政治、經濟發展有相當密切的關係。最後,前瞻全球終身學習實踐取向。本文提出成人教育及終身學習在變遷社會中所面臨的挑戰,包括:長壽人生準備的挑戰、創業家思維與小確幸文化衝突的挑戰、難以預測的極端世界之挑戰,以及消失與轉型的工作之不確定之挑戰。據此,展望新型態的成人及終身教育研究,由於成人教育的目標在於促進個人成長發展、解決社會問題、回應組織變革的需求,因此,成人教育的研究出版亦宜回應時代變遷的需要。我國成人及終身教育研究出版從2003年創刊至今,面臨需要整合、創新與轉型,需要一個以成人教育、學習、訓練與發展理念基礎、跨領域的終身學習平臺,以凝聚研究社群聚焦在立即性的未來研究,並以研究成果促進成人教育、樂齡學習更創新的實踐方案。本期為這一階段出版的結束,編輯小組將繼續策劃一個嶄新的期刊回應變遷社會、百年人生之需求。
英文摘要 This paper reviews the development of adult and lifelong education in Taiwan. The adult and lifelong education framework began with the goal of reducing the rate of illiteracy, then developed into another stage where it seeks to provide a second education opportunity. Through time, the adult and lifelong education framework has transitioned into a more diversified and systematic one, and in 2008 it entered into another stage of drawing lessons from the past to face the needs of aging society. The paper then examines the reasons that affect the adult and lifelong education development in Taiwan, which include the intimate and complex interaction between politics and economic growth of the country. Here, we propose the challenges that the field of adult and lifelong education face in a rapidly changing society, some of which include the preparation for long life living, the current conflicting socio-cultural attitudes of being ambitious yet reluctant to break away from comfort zone (“small fortune”), as well as the uncertainties embedded in transitioning from one job fi eld to another in the present Taiwanese society. Based on the aforementioned, we are prospecting a new type of adult and lifelong learning research. The adult and lifelong learning research publication, which was established in 2003 with the goals of fostering personal development, resolving social issues, and responding to the needs of organizational changes, has been facing the needs for integration, innovation and transformation. Thus, we are in need of a cross-disciplinary platform that brings together various aspects of adult and lifelong learning research in order to solidify immediate future research.
頁次 065-086
關鍵詞 成人教育 百年生涯教育 高齡教育 終身學習 adult education career education senior education lifelong education
卷期 32
日期 201906
刊名 成人及終身教育學刊
出版單位 中華民國成人教育學會等
DOI 10.3966/181880012019060032003