

篇名 大陸教師職級制度對台灣中小學教師專業發展之啟示
並列篇名 The Enlightenment of the Mainland Teacher Rank System to the Professional Development of Primary and Secondary School Teachers in Taiwan
作者 張志瑋(Chih-Wei Chang)
中文摘要 聯合國科教文組織(UNESCO)曾提及:「教職必須被視為專業。教育工作需要教師嚴謹地持續研究,以建立教學專門知識與技能而提供的一種公共服務。」台灣因對推動中小學實施教師分級遭遇到質疑與困境,自2006年起教育部補助試辦教師專業發展評鑑實施計畫,並於106學年度進行調整革新,將之轉型為教師專業發展支持系統,透過持續對話、合作、分享與省思,來增進教師學科知識及教學品質,並研商解決教育問題的策略。反觀對岸中國大陸對於教師專業之形塑和推動與教師分級制度結合,「在職培訓與發展、職務晉升和獎勵評估」三位一體相互作用的「三維度互動」模式,與台灣教師專業發展方向有著相當大的差異。因此,本文從提昇教師專業發展的角度來比較台灣教師專業發展與大陸教師職級制度之差異以及對整體教育之影響,並分析大陸教師分級制度在教師「專業」之提昇,與台灣中小學教師專業發展支持系統之差異,思考在地策略和對教師之助益,試提供未來台灣教師專業發展方向之參考。
英文摘要 The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) once mentioned: “The teaching profession must be regarded as a profession. Education requires rigorous and continuous research by teachers to build a public service provided by teaching expertise and skills.” Teacher grading has encountered doubts and difficulties. Since 1995, the Ministry of Education has subsidized the implementation plan of teacher professional development evaluation, and adjusted and reformed it in the 106 academic year, transforming it into a teacher professional development support system. Through continuous dialogue and cooperation, sharing and reflection, to improve teachers’ subject knowledge and teaching quality, and to study strategies to solve educational problems. On the other hand, in mainland China, the shaping and promotion of the teacher’s profession is combined with the teacher’s grading system, and the “three-dimensional interaction” model of “on-the-job training and development, job promotion and reward evaluation” interacts with each other, which has a considerable relationship with the direction of Taiwan’s teacher professional development. difference. Therefore, from the perspective of improving teachers’ professional development, this paper compares the differences between Taiwan’s teacher’s professional development and the mainland’s teacher rank system and its impact on the overall education, and analyzes the improvement of the mainland’s teacher grading system in the teacher’s “professional”, and the Taiwanese primary and secondary school teachers’ professional development. The differences in the development support system, the local strategies and the help to teachers are considered, and try to provide a reference for the professional development direction of teachers in Taiwan in the future.
頁次 072-093
關鍵詞 大陸教師職級制度 教師專業發展 教師分級 Mainland teacher rank system teacher professional development teacher classification
卷期 139
日期 202205
刊名 學校行政
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.202205_(139).0004