

篇名 探究社区理论框架研究二十年:回顾与展望
並列篇名 Two Decades of Research on Community of Inquiry Framework: Retrospect and Prospect
作者 万力勇(WAN Liyong) 、大卫.斯坦(David Stein) 、谢魁(XIE Kui)
中文摘要 探究社区理论框架为在线学习和混合学习研究提供了独特的视角、方法和工具。在过去二十年,研究者围绕该理论框架开展了广泛的研究和验证。现有研究综述对研究者了解该理论框架的研究现状和进展具有重要价值,但并未阐明该理论框架研究如何随时间演变和发展的。基于此,本研究旨在探明过去二十年间,探究社区理论框架研究随时间演变、扩散和发展的特点和规律,通过使用文献计量和可视化分析手段,从基本文献计量分析、关键词突现检测分析、合著分析、关键词共现分析四方面对Scopus数据库近二十年的相关文献进行系统分析。研究结果表明,探究社区理论框架研究经历了触发期、探索期、快速发展期、振荡期和成熟期五个阶段,形成了包括技术、学习社区、方法论、存在感、学习效果、学习环境等六个聚类研究主题,其影响力正在全球范围内不断扩散,但研究者之间跨机构合作和国际合作相对缺乏,未来研究应加强国际合作、推动跨文化背景下理论框架的适应性和本土化,关注扩展版“存在感”和实际学习效果。
英文摘要 The Community of Inquiry Framework provides unique perspectives,methods, and tools for online learning and blended learning research. In the past two decades, researchers have conducted extensive research and verification about this theoretical framework. Although existing reviews are very valuable for researchers to understand the current status and progress of the research of the framework, these reviews do not directly clarify how the framework research evolves over time. Based on this consideration, the purpose of this study is to explore the characteristics and laws of the evolution, diffusion, and development of the framework over time in the past two decades. By using bibliometric and visual analysis, this study systematically analyzes the relevant literature in the Scopus database in the past two decades from four main aspects: basic bibliometric analysis, keyword burst detection analysis, co-authorship analysis, and keyword co-occurrence analysis. The research results show that the studies of the framework has experienced a five-stage development process, including the triggering period, the exploratory period, the rapid development period ,the oscillation period and the maturity period. The studies have formed a cluster of six research topics, including technologies, learning communities, methodologies, presences, learning outcome, and learning environment. Although the influence of the community of inquiry framework is continuously spreading globally, there is a need for researchers to develop more cross-institutional and transnational collaboration activities. In the future, researches in this field should strengthen international collaboration, promote the research on the adaptability and localization of the framework in a cross-cultural context, and pay more attention to extended presences and learning outcomes.
頁次 057-068
關鍵詞 探究社区理论框架 教学存在感 认知存在感 社会存在感;在线学习 批判性思维 Community of Inquiry framework teaching presence cognitive presence social presence online learning critical thinking CSSCI
卷期 26:6
日期 202012
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學
DOI 10.13966/j.cnki.kfjyyj.2020.06.006