

篇名 美国纽约州公立中小学分类鉴别、精准诊断与协同改进
並列篇名 A Review of Public Schools' Improvement of the New York State of America: Differentiated Accountability, Targeted Diagnosis, and Synergistic Improvement
作者 王晓芳(WANG Xiaofang) 、熊和妮(XIONG Heni)
中文摘要 在《让每个学生都成功法案》框架下,美国纽约州构建了公立中小学分类鉴别、精准诊断与协同改进的系统方案。纽约州运用以学业成绩为核心的多元化问责指标来鉴别学校类型,并建立学校分类问责体系,引入退出与惩罚机制,对学校进行动态调整。纽约州开发并运用“学校效能诊断工具”,聚焦学校能力建设,建立完整规范的评估程序,精准诊断学校改进需求。纽约州通过构建持续性学校改进循环、采取差异化资源分配策略、搭建专业支持网络等多种方式协同推动学校改进。
英文摘要 Under the federal law of ESSA, New York State has proposed a systematic program to improve the education quality of public schools. New York State has established and utilized multiple accountability indicators with students' academic performance as the core to classify schools. New York State has introduced the differential accountability system, along with the low-performing school exit criteria and the sanction strategies. By developing Diagnostic Tool for School and District Effectiveness as a measuring tool, New York State puts much emphasis on building capacity of schools and establishes complete school evaluation procedures, aiming to accurately diagnose school's needs. New York state promotes a cooperation approach to school improvement by building a cycle of continual school improvement, distributing resources differently, and constructing professional service networks.
頁次 079-086
關鍵詞 美国纽约州 公立中小学 学校改进 让每个学生都成功法案 New York State of America public school school improvement ESSA CSSCI
卷期 43:9
日期 202109
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所