

篇名 樂高認真玩優勢職涯課程對臺灣大學生生涯適應的效果研究
並列篇名 Effects of a Strength-Centered Career Course on Career Adaptability of College Students Who Experienced LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®
作者 韓佩凌(Pay-Ling Harn)
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討透過樂高認真玩優勢職涯課程,臺灣大學生在生涯適應的改變。研究以個案大學選修「職涯知能與發展」課程的32名大學生為對象。藉由本課程的介入,學生在「生涯意志」、「生涯途徑與方法」、「生涯關注」、「生涯信心」、「積極問題焦點因應」、「積極情緒焦點因應」有顯著提昇。另外,藉由學生所撰寫學習週誌與期末回饋,本課程有助於促進學生正向心理資源與生涯適應。據此,本研究針對高等教育與未來研究提出建議。
英文摘要 This study explored the effects of a strength-centered career course on the career adaptability of Taiwanese college students in a course using LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® (LSP). The participants of this study were 32 college students who completed a “Career Knowledge and Development” course at the case university. The results revealed that the participants’ post-test scores were significantly higher than their pretest scores with respect to “career agency,” “career pathway,” “career concern,” “career confidence,” and “positive problem-focused coping.” Furthermore, the weekly reflection logs the students were required to complete increased their career adaptability and their stock of psychological resources. The results were used to develop suggestions for higher education and future research.
頁次 093-120
關鍵詞 樂高認真玩 優勢 職涯課程 生涯適應 LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® strength-centered career course career adaptability TSSCI
卷期 18:2
日期 202206
刊名 教育研究與發展期刊
出版單位 國家教育研究院
DOI 10.6925/SCJ.202206_18(2).0003