

篇名 新中国成立后比较教育学科的创立与发展
並列篇名 The Establishment and Development of Comparative Education since the Founding of the People's Republic of China
作者 滕珺(TENG Jun) 、肖甦(XIAO Su)
中文摘要 新中国比较教育学科的创立与发展与国家发展的历史息息相关。它是新中国成立后全面学习苏联的产物,是当时反帝反修的工具,随后在改革开放的春风中发展壮大。在这近半个世纪的时间里,北京师范大学的比较教育研究完成了从“外国教育资料译介”到“国别专题教育研究”的转型;在人才培养方面建立了较为完整的学位体系,编写了新中国第一部专业教材;在国际交流与合作上,“请进来”与“走出去”同步交织,助力学科发展的同时促进民间外交;在社会服务上,同样也完成了从“内部决策参考”到“教育现代化事业服务”的转型。新中国比较教育学科开创者们栉风沐雨、脚踏实地的精神将激励着一代又一代的比较教育学人不断前行,共同推动学科的蓬勃发展。
英文摘要 The establishment and development of comparative education in the People's Republic of China are closely related to the national history. It was the product of learning from the Soviet Union after the founding of PRC, as a tool of being against with imperialism and revisionism. Then it developed and expanded with the policy of Reform and Opening up. In the past half century, comparative education researches has completed the paradigm transformation from " foreign educational information translation" to "national education system and topic based research". In terms of talent training, a relatively complete degree system was established and the first professional teaching materials was compiled in this period. In terms of international exchanges and cooperation, "Invite In" and "Visit Out" are intertwined simultaneously to promote non-governmental diplomacy while promoting the development of discipline. In terms of social services, it has also completed the transformation from "internal information provider" to "educational modernization service". The pioneering spirit of comparative education since the founding of PRC will inspire generations of comparative education researchers to move forward and promote the vigorous development of the discipline.
頁次 019-028
關鍵詞 比较教育 学科建设 北师大外国教育研究所 comparative education discipline development the People's Republic of China CSSCI
卷期 43:9
日期 202109
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所