

篇名 电子阅读对阅读素养影响的实证研究
並列篇名 Effects of E-reading on Reading Literacy
作者 李文烨(LI Wenye) 、姚继军(YAO Jijun)
中文摘要 信息化社会背景下,越来越多的学生通过电子产品进行阅读。然而,已有的电子阅读对阅读素养影响的研究还不够深入,尤其是在数据的权威性、方法的妥切性和分析的精确性等方面仍有较大改进空间。本研究选取PISA2018数据库中与阅读有关的变量,运用最小二乘法建立基准回归,采用泛精确匹配技术控制选择偏误,分析不同阅读方式对学生阅读素养的影响,并采用分位数回归以及中介效应模型,探究电子阅读影响的异质性及其影响机制。研究发现:1)无论是否控制选择偏误,回归结果均说明“屏幕劣势”这一效应的确存在;2)分位数回归结果显示不同水平的学生受电子阅读的影响有明显差别;3)中介效应分析结果表明元认知策略可以发挥重要的促进和中介作用。本研究建议:合理看待电子阅读这一新兴阅读方式,灵活选择电子阅读与纸质阅读方式,充分发挥阅读元认知策略的作用,以弥补电子阅读的不足。
英文摘要 In the information society, more and more students are learning through electronic reading equipment. Whether such a choice is reasonable and how it will affect students, reading have not been fully discussed in the literature. Many research results have shown that many factors affect the electronic reading. In view of this, variables related to reading in the PISA2018 database were selected. The least-square regression method was used to establish the baseline. The selection bias was controlled by the Coarsen Exact Matching technique to analyze the influence of different media on students’ reading literacy. Furthermore, quantile regression and mediating effect models were used to explore the heterogeneity of e-reading influence and its influencing mechanism. It finds that effect of “screen disadvantage” does exist but differs significantly among students of different levels, and metacognitive strategies can play an important role in promoting and mediating. Based on this, we should treat e-reading as a new reading medium reasonably, choose e-reading and paper reading flexibly, and give full play to the role of reading meta-cognitive strategy to make up for the deficiency of e-reading.
頁次 110-120
關鍵詞 电子阅读 阅读素养 reading literacy reading media PISA2018 metacognitive strategy CSSCI
卷期 27:2
日期 202104
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學
DOI 10.13966/j.cnki.kfjyyj.2021.02.012