

篇名 智能教育应用的人机双向反馈:机理、模型与实施原则
並列篇名 Research on Human-machine Two-way Feedback Mechanism Oriented to Intelligent Educational Applications
作者 董艳(DONG Yan) 、李心怡(LI Xinyi) 、郑娅峰(ZHENG Yafeng) 、霍雪松(ZHAI Xuesong)
中文摘要 人工智能教育应用是实现个性化、智能化、情境化教学的重要技术支撑,其实施手段和应用效果受到教育界的高度关注。当前,人工智能教育应用中的人机交互关系主要包括静态反馈、动态反馈、混合反馈三类,其交互主体本质上均以机器为中心,学生处于被动地位。面向人类智能发展的未来,增强人工智能教育应用的反馈性、智慧性、迁移性特征,促进学习者的主体性发展,重构人工智能教育应用的发展生态,是人工智能教育应用转型升级的关键路径。本研究在归纳国内外学习者反馈素养相关研究基础上提出“感知反馈、认知统合、评价判断、采取行动、情感管理、动机调控”六类核心要素,通过搭建不同领域和层次的多元支架,构建面向智能教育应用的人机双向反馈机制模型,探讨解决人工智能教育应用面临的人机关系困境的路径,为未来智能教育发展提供理论思考和实践借鉴。
英文摘要 The application of smart education has become a hot topic in academia. At present, the human-computer relationship in artificial intelligence education mainly includes three levels: one-way static interaction, two-way dynamic interaction, and multiple mixed interaction. However, the nature of the relationship reflected in the application of artificial intelligence education is still centered on the machine and student’s passive status; feedback in artificial intelligence education applications is mainly multi-modal, adaptable, and analytical. Facing the future of human intelligence development, how to enhance the feedback, wisdom, and migration of artificial intelligence education applications, to promote the development of learners’ subjectivity, advocate the “learning-centered” education concept, and to rebuild the ecological development of artificial intelligence education is the key path for the transformation and upgrading of artificial intelligence education applications. This research combines the latest research on learners, feedback literacy and explores how to solve the problems faced by applying artificial intelligence education through six types of connotations: “perceptual feedback, cognitive integration, evaluation and judgment, taking action, emotional management, and motivation regulation”. To solve the predicament of the computer-computer relationship, build multiple scaffolds in different fields, create a human-machine two-way feedback mechanism for intelligent education applications, and put forward development prospects in combination with future development.
頁次 026-033
關鍵詞 人工智能 智能教育应用 人机双向反馈 反馈机理 反馈素养 实施原则 artificial intelligence intelligent education application human-machine two-way feedback feedback mechanism feedback literacy implementing principle CSSCI
卷期 27:2
日期 202104
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學
DOI 10.13966/j.cnki.kfjyyj.2021.02.003