

篇名 基于学习成绩与情绪认知的中介分析
並列篇名 How Parental Rearing Styles Relieve Students’ Learning Anxiety: An Intermediary Analysis Based on Academic Achievement and Emotional Cognition
作者 丁亚东(DING Ya-dong)
中文摘要 学习焦虑是影响学生高质量发展的重要因素,父母教养方式的优化有助于学生学习焦虑的纾解。通过对1588名学生的实证分析,70.03%的学生存在学习焦虑,处在较高水平。学生成绩、自我情绪认知等是影响学生学习焦虑的重要因素,父母教养方式不但对学习焦虑有直接影响,还通过影响学习成绩和情绪认知,对学生学习焦虑产生间接影响,“父母教养方式——情绪认知——学习焦虑”是主要路径。控制型和关怀型父母与学生学习焦虑均呈显著正相关,控制型的父母更容易让学生产生学习焦虑的心理。政府、学校和家长应加强协作,从优化学生评价体系,树立科学成绩观;建立学生情绪评估常态化体系,开展情绪疏导课程建设;转变教养观念,注重对子女的人文关怀;建立健全教学质量监控体系,促进学校教育的高质量发展;引导树立具有适切性的教育期望,注重学生自我发展等方面制定纾解举措。
英文摘要 Learning anxiety is an important factor that affects the high-quality development of students, and the optimization of parental rearing style is helpful to relieve students’ learning anxiety. Through the empirical analysis of 3588 students, 70.03% of them have learning anxiety, which is at a high level. Students’ achievements and self emotional cognition are important factors affecting students’ learning anxiety. Parental rearing styles not only have a direct impact on students’ learning anxiety, but also have an indirect impact on students’ learning anxiety by affecting their learning achievements and emotional cognition. “Parental rearing styles Emotional Cognition Learning Anxiety” is the main path. Control type and caring type parents are significantly positively correlated with students’. learning anxiety. Control type parents are more likely to make students have learning anxiety. The government, schools and parents should strengthen cooperation to optimize the student evaluation system and establish a scientific view of achievement; Establish a normal system of students’. emotional assessment and carry out the construction of emotional counseling courses; Change the concept of education and pay attention to the humanistic care for children; Establish and improve the teaching quality monitoring system to promote the high-quality development of school education; Guide the establishment of appropriate educational expectations, pay attention to students’. self-development and other aspects to formulate relief measures.
頁次 090-099
關鍵詞 教养方式 控制型父母 关怀型父母 学习焦虑 情绪认知 upbringing style controlling parents caring parents learning anxiety emotional cognition
卷期 20:2
日期 202304
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學
DOI 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2232.2023.02.009