

篇名 教師自我效能感在學校分布式領導與教師創新的中介作用有效嗎?TALIS 2018臺灣國中教師的調查分析
並列篇名 Is Teacher Self-Efficacy Effective in the Mediating Role of School Distribution Leadership and Teaching Innovation? Analysis of Primary and Secondary School Teachers in Taiwan Based on TALIS 2018
作者 薛奕龍(Yi-Lung Hsueh) 、謝傳崇(Chuan-Chung Hsieh)
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討臺灣國中學校分布式領導與教師創新之間的關係,以及教師自我效能感的中介作用。在研究方法上,採用次級資料庫分析法,並使用結構方程模式驗證國中學校分布式領導、教師自我效能感與教學創新的影響關係。以臺灣國中教師為研究對象,有效問卷為3,819份。研究結果發現,臺灣國中教師知覺學校分布式領導、教師自我效能感、教師創新現況良好,且三者影響關係模式適配度良好。國中學校分布式領導對於教學創新有顯著之直接效果,教師自我效能感具有部分中介效果。本研究建議透過學校分布式領導,營造共責互助的文化,鼓勵教師參與學校決策,並強化教師自我效能感,促使教師創新。
英文摘要 This research aims to explore the relationship between the distributed leadership of our national primary and secondary schools and teachers’ innovation, and the mediating role of teachers’ self-efficacy. Both the secondary database analysis method and the structural equation were used to verify the influence relationship between the distributed leadership of the national middle school, the teacher’s self-efficacy and the teaching innovation. A total of 3,819 valid questionnaires were used for the study of Chinese middle school teachers. This study found that national middle school teachers perceive school distributed leadership, teacher self-efficacy, and teacher innovation status are good, and the three influence relationship patterns fit well. The distributed leadership of national primary and secondary schools has a significant direct effect on teaching innovation, and teacher self-efficacy has a partial mediating effect. This research suggests that through the distributed leadership of the school, a culture of mutual responsibility and mutual assistance should be created, teachers should be encouraged to participate in school decision-making, and teachers’ sense of self-efficacy should be strengthened to encourage teachers to innovate.
頁次 111-144
關鍵詞 分布式領導 自我效能感 教師創新 教學與學習國際調查(TALIS) school distributed leadership teacher self-efficacy teacher innovation Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) TSSCI
卷期 25:2
日期 202205
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所
DOI 10.53106/156082982022052502004