

篇名 學習成就的跨國評比及教育和學習成就之分析:國民所得為中介變項
並列篇名 A Cross-Nations Study on the International Rank of Learning Achievement and Education and Academic Achievement: Per Capita Income as the Mediator
作者 張芳全(Fang-Chung Chang)
中文摘要 本研究從世界銀行統計報告蒐集2018年75個國家資料,對數學與科學學習成就整併為綜合指數與排名,並探討71個國家的國民所得在教育年數與高等教育在學率和學習成就之間的關係。獲得結論如下:(一)在75個國家的學習成就最好的五個是新加坡、香港、愛沙尼亞、日本與韓國;(二)教育年數對於國民所得有正向顯著影響,但高等教育在學率則否;(三)教育年數與高等教育在學率及國民所得對學習成就都有顯著正向影響;(四)國民所得在教育年數與學習成就具有部分中介效果;而國民所得在高等教育在學率與學習成就則沒有中介效果。本研究貢獻在於發現,國家的經濟發展是教育投資與學生學習成就的重要中介因素。針對結論深入討論,提出建議。
英文摘要 This study collected data from 75 countries in 2018 from the World Bank's statistical report, integrated mathematics and science learning achievement into a comprehensive index and ranking, and explored the relationship among the years of education, the enrollment rate, per capita income and learning achievement in 71 countries. The results were as follows: (1)Among the 75 countries, the five countries with the best academic performance are Singapore, Hong Kong, Estonia, Japan and Korea. (2) The years of education in all countries had a significant impact on per capital income, while the rate of higher education was not. (3) 71 countries’ years of education, rate of higher education, and per capita income had a positive effect on academic achievement respectively. (4) 71 countries’per capita income had partially mediating effects between years of education and academic achievement, while the rate of higher education was not. The contribution of this research lied in the discovery that the country’s economic development was an important mediated factor between education investment and student learning achievement. In-depth discussion of conclusions and suggestions were made.
頁次 001-034
關鍵詞 人力資本理論 高等教育在學率 教育年數 國民所得 學習成就 academic achievement higher education rate human capital theory per capita income year of education
卷期 55:1
日期 202104
刊名 教育研究學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學
DOI 10.3966/199044282021045501001