

篇名 探討戶外教學對於促進科學教育之研究-以生態學課程為例
並列篇名 A Study of Outdoor Teaching to Promote Science Education - Ecology Curriculum as an Example
作者 呂佩倫(Pei-Luen Lu)
中文摘要 自從2020年全球和本土爆發新冠肺炎疫情以來,我們的生活經歷了巨大的變革,人們重新思考良好生態環境的重要性。在21世紀的高等教育改革面臨新的挑戰時,我們也重新反思了日常生活中的生態和環境健康,這將成為延續人類生存的關鍵因素。因此,在這個快速變遷的時代中,教學不僅需要數位課程和線上授課的必要性,還需要在課程設計和教學實踐中培養學生學以致用的能力,將所學知識轉化為專業能力和滿足現實生活需求的關鍵能力。為了達到生命科學系生態學必修課程的教學目標,並提升學生對當地生態系統的認識,我們將課堂上的知識與自然界的觀察和量測相互印證。自2020年至2022年,連續三年我們安排了一天的戶外教學活動,前往臺東大學交通最方便且安全的卑南溪口國家級重要濕地,該地距離學校最近。在這次戶外教學中,我們探索了台東市森林公園範圍作為教學場所。學生以小組分組報告的形式呈現實習結果,同時在學期末考試中也包含了老師所講解的相關內容。這門課程的戶外教學不僅是課堂的延伸,更通過此活動加深了學生與土地的聯繫。我們的探索目標包括實地見習濕地生態學、動植物生態學、藝術生態學、地景生態學、族群生態學和生態系統。透過這樣的戶外教學,我們希望學生能夠深入了解並實際體驗這些生態學領域,將所學應用於實際情境中,從而提升他們對生態學的理解和應用能力。
英文摘要 Since the global and local outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, our lives have undergone significant changes, leading people to reevaluate the importance of a healthy ecological environment. As higher education in the 21st century faces new challenges, we have also reflected on the ecological and environmental health of our daily lives, which has become a key factor for sustaining human existence. Therefore, in this era of rapid change, teaching not only requires the necessity of digital courses and online instruction, but also the cultivation of students' ability to apply what they learn in curriculum design and teaching practices, transforming their knowledge into professional skills and essential abilities needed for real-life situations. In order to achieve the teaching objectives of the mandatory ecology course in the Life Sciences Department and enhance students' understanding of local ecosystems, we have integrated the knowledge taught in the classroom with observations and measurements in the natural world for mutual verification. For three consecutive years from 2020 to 2022, we have organized one-day outdoor teaching activities to the nearest and most convenient and safe location, the Beinan Estuary National Important Wetland, which is close to the National Taitung University. The results of the fieldwork were presented in group reports, and the content explained by the teachers was also included in the end-of-semester examinations. The outdoor teaching component of this course serves as an extension of the classroom and deepens the connection between students and the land. Our exploration objectives include on-site learning of wetland ecology, flora and fauna ecology, art ecology, landscape ecology, population ecology, and ecosystems. Through this form of outdoor teaching, we aim to provide students with an in-depth understanding and practical experience in these ecological fields, allowing them to apply what they have learned in real-life contexts and enhance their comprehension and application abilities in ecology.
頁次 133-148
關鍵詞 生態學 生態教育 科學教育 戶外教學 高等教育 Ecology Ecological Education Science Education Outdoor Education Higher Education
卷期 13:1
日期 202305
刊名 臺東大學綠色科學學刊
出版單位 國立臺東大學理工學院