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篇名 马克思恩格斯教育与生产劳动相结合思想的再思考
並列篇名 Rethinking the “Combination of Education and Productive Labor”
作者 石中英(SHI Zhongying)
中文摘要 随着劳动教育成为全面发展教育的一个重要组成部分,马克思恩格斯教 育与生产劳动相结合思想的研究重新成为学术热点。在马克思恩格斯之前,一些空想 社会主义者、资产阶级经济学家和启蒙思想家基于各种理由已经提出教育与生产劳动 相结合的思想,欧文、裴斯泰洛齐等还开展过相关的社会和教育实验。从资本主义发 展、现代机器大工业生产以及由此产生的无产阶级与资产阶级斗争的视域出发,马克 思恩格斯首次将教育与生产劳动相结合表述为一个理论命题,并赋予它以全新内涵: 无产阶级不能忽视自身及其子女的教育问题;取消当时那种形式的儿童工厂劳动;普 遍禁止儿童劳动是同大工业的存在不相容的;现代工业吸引男女儿童和少年参加社会 生产事业是一种进步、健康以及合乎规律的趋势;工人阶级应利用合法斗争促进普遍 立法来保护少年儿童的劳动和受教育权利;把有报酬的生产劳动与智育、体育、综合技 术教育结合起来;对所有儿童(首先是工人阶级的儿童)实行公共的和免费的教育;生 产劳动同智育和体育相结合,不仅是提高社会生产的一种方法,而且是造就全面发展 的人的唯一方法,还是改造现代社会最强力的手段之一。从命题性盾看,马克思恩格 斯教育与生产劳动相结合是一个带有理想性的策略性命题、具有普遍意义的特殊性命 题以及具有丰富教育和哲学意义的政治经济学命题。
英文摘要 As labor education becomes an essential component in the development of an all-around education, researching Marx-Engels’s thought of combining education with productive labor has again become a hot topic in academia. Before Marx and Engels, several utopian socialists» bourgeois economists, and thinkers of the Enlightenment had put forward the conception of combining education with productive labor for various reasons. Some,e. g.,Owen and Pestalozzi» conducted social and educational experiments in related fields. However, with the development of capitalism» the emergence of machinery and large-scale industry, and the result of class struggle and conflict between proletariats and bourgeoisie,Marx and Engels revealed completely new connotations of combining education with productive labor, which includes: 1) the proletariats shouldn’t neglect the education of children and themselves; 2) child factory labor should be abolished; 3) the general prohibition of child labor is incompatible with the existence of large-scale industry; 4) the attraction of both male and female, youth and adolescents to social production, which is a positive, marks a healthy and regular trend in modern industry; 5) the promotion of universal legislation should protect laborers and educational rights of children and adolescents through legal struggle within the working class; 6) the combination of paid productive labor with mental education, physical education,and comprehensive vocational and technical education; 7) public and free education should be implemented for all children, especially among the working class; 8) combining productive labor with mental education and physical education would promote social production and produce a comprehensively developed human being to push for transformations of modern societies. The nature of Marx and Engels, propositions of combining education with productive labor should be regarded as a strategic proposition with ideal features, a particular proposition with universal significance, and a political economy proposition with rich educational and philosophical meanings.
頁次 002-020
關鍵詞 马克思 恩格斯 教育与生产劳动相结合 人的全面发展 劳动教育 CSSCI
卷期 20:2
日期 202204
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學
DOI 10. 12088/pkul671-9468. 202202001