

篇名 家长如何参与预防与干预校园欺凌——基于多个英文数据库范围综述的证据
並列篇名 How Can Parents Participate in the Prevention and Intervention of School Bullying? Evidence Based on the Scoping Review of Multiple English Databases
作者 张香兰(ZHANG Xiang-lan)   、车钰莹(CHE Yu-ying) 、宋颖(SONG Ying) 、谭林林(TAN Lin-lin)
中文摘要 家长参与在校园欺凌预防和干预中发挥重要作用。但中小学家长应如何参与预防/干预校园欺凌,长期以来缺乏足够的证据支持。运用范围综述方法,对7个英文数据库中家长参与校园欺凌预防/干预研究的18篇文献进行审查,发现家长参与校园欺凌预防/干预的策略主要包括家长培训、与家长建立合作关系、家长参与学校反欺凌政策制定和反欺凌课程实施、提升家长教育素养、引导家长为旁观者儿童提供干预策略以及作为活动主体参与学校反欺凌项目等。基于此,我国中小学在开展反欺凌工作时,应引导家长积极参与,为其提供反欺凌资源,开展家长教育。
英文摘要 Parents involvement plays an important role in the prevention and intervention of school bullying. However, there is no sufficient evidence in previous study to support how parents of primary and secondary schools participate in bullying prevention/intervention. A scoping review was conducted in our study to examine 18 articles on parents involvement in school bullying prevention/intervention studies from seven English databases. It is found that strategies on parents involvement in school bullying prevention/intervention include: training parents, establishing cooperative relationship with parents, parents participating in schools anti-bullying policy formulation and anti-bullying courses implementation, improving parents' educational literacy, guiding parents to provide bystander children with intervention strategies as well as parents participate in school anti-bullying projects as the subjects. Based on this, primary and secondary schools in our country should encourage parents to participate in anti-bullying work actively, offering them anti-bullying resources and carry out parents education.
頁次 130-143
關鍵詞 校园欺凌 家长参与 预防与干预 中小学 范围综述 school bullying parents participation prevention and intervention primary and secondary school scoping review CSSCI
卷期 18:3
日期 202206
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學
DOI 10.14082/j.cnki.1673-1298.2022.03.012