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篇名 已婚独生子女家庭对孩子的教育投入:基于全国12城市的调查研究
並列篇名 Children's Educational Investment in Urban One-Child Families in China: Based on a Nationwide Survey in 12 Cities
作者 王晓焘(WANG Xiao-tao) 、徐迟(XU Chi)
中文摘要 中国独生子女家庭研究的基本思路是在独生子女的社会化进程中进行独生子女和同龄非独生子女的比较研究,但是目前研究主要集中在独生子女的出生家庭阶段。随着越来越多的独生子女结婚生子并进行子女教育,应该对生育家庭阶段的已婚独生子女进行关注。因此对已婚独生子女家庭的孩子教育投入进行研究。由于家庭教育投入中常常含有祖辈的支持,将三代家庭纳入研究视野。通过对“中国12城市育龄青年调查研究”数据的统计分析,发现:父亲的兄弟姐妹数量越少,则孩子越可能得到更多的教育投入;而与自己父母共同居住的独生女,也能为孩子提供相对更多的教育投入。表明家庭资源稀释理论在中国三代家庭的意义,也表明在成家立业之后,独生女仍然可能占据某种优势。
英文摘要 Numerous studies had compared the one-child families with non-one-child families when children were young, living with their parents. While the first generation of Chinese only children had grown up and set up their own families. Thus, this paper focused on the only children in the families of procreation, and studied their children’s educational investment. With analyses of data from Study of Youths in Childbearing ages in 12 Cities in China, this paper found empirical evidence to indicate that (1) theory of family resource dilution worked even in the Chinese extended families, but with clear paternal characteristics; and (2) only daughters still had a special position after they got married, but interacted with the co-residence with their parents. This paper had extended the family resource dilution theory into Chinese family further, and began the study of only children in the stage of family of procreation.
頁次 117-129
關鍵詞 独生子女家庭 生育家庭 教育投入 one-child family family of procreation children’s educational investment CSSCI
卷期 18:3
日期 202206
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學
DOI 10.14082/j.cnki.1673-1298.2022.03.011