

篇名 脱欧中英国-欧盟高等教育研究合作信任文化与取信策略——基于彼得.什托姆普卡信任理论视角
並列篇名 Trust Culture and Trust Strategy in UK-EU Higher Education Research Cooperation in the Context of Brexit - From the Perspective of Piotr Sztompka's Trust Theory
作者 张萌(ZHANG Meng) 、宋永华(SONG Yonghua) 、伍宸(WU Chen)
中文摘要 国际研究合作是各国应对全球化挑战的重要举措。信任是合作生成的核心要 件,也是影响合作纵深的重要因素。在脱欧背景下,英国一欧盟高等教育研究合作中的信任关系存在高度不确定性。彼得.什托姆普卡将信任文化视作历史传统、结构背景、行动能力三个变量共同作用下的信任可信性的规则系统。系统中的信任与不信任因素相互交织,在英国一欧盟高等教育研究合作中形成了一种不同国家与不同层次人员间信任态度不一的信任文化。为应对信任风险,保持研究合作的良好互动,英国分别从制度信任和个人信任层面采取措施,为继续加强与欧盟各国的研究合作树立了信心。
英文摘要 International research cooperation is an important measure for countries to response to the challenges of globalization. Trust is a core element for generating cooperation and an important factor affecting the depth of cooperation. In the context of Brexit, there is a lot of uncertainty in the trust relationship between the UK and EU countries on research cooperation. Piotr Sztompka regards the trust culture as a system of rule affected by three variables: historical tradition, structural background, and agential endowment. The factors of trust and distrust in the system are intertwined, and in the UK-EU higher education research cooperation, a trust culture has been formed which is featured with different trust attitudes among people from different countries and at different levels. In order to cope with the risk of trust and maintain a good interaction in research cooperation, the UK has taken measures at the institutional and personal trust levels, and has established confidence for continuously strengthening research cooperation with EU countries.
頁次 012-019
關鍵詞 脱欧 高等教育 国际研究合作 信任文化 取信策略 Brexit higher education international research cooperation trust culture trust strategy CSSCI
卷期 42:5
日期 202005
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所