

篇名 新北市托嬰中心混齡與分齡照顧模式之研究
並列篇名 A Study on the Mixed-age and Same-age Care Model of Daycare Centers in New Taipei City
作者 汪麗真 、林秀穗 、吳佳益
中文摘要 本研究的目的在了解新北市托嬰中心混齡與分齡照顧模式、主責照顧制度與維持照顧持續性等之實施現況。研究者以問卷調查法收集232家托嬰中心資料,結果顯示:1.托嬰中心平均規模收托36.2位嬰幼兒與每班級平均收托16.97名嬰幼兒;2.實施分齡照顧模式之托嬰中心佔70%,採混齡照顧模式佔30%;3.混齡模式下每位幼兒平均經歷2.22位主責照顧者與分齡模式為2.87位;4.混齡模式下每位嬰幼兒平均更換1.23次主要活動室,分齡編班為2.46次;5.影響選擇混齡或分齡照顧模式的因素依序為:考量嬰幼兒身心需求、班級規模、硬體環境與設施設備等。本研究結果將作為托嬰中心輔導培力、新進人員訓練、托育人員在職教育、政策制定等之參考。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to examine the implementing situation of the mixed-age and same-age care model, primary caregiving and continuity of care in daycare centers in the New Taipei City. The researchers collected data from 232 childcare centers with a questionnaire survey. The results showed that: 1.The average size of childcare centers accepts 36.2 infants and toddler and an average of 16.97 children per class; 2. Daycare centers that implement same-age care accounted for 70%, and mixed-age care mode accounted for 30%; 3.In the mixed-age care mode, each child experienced an average of 2.22 primary caregivers and 2.87 in the same-age mode; 4. Each child in the mixed-age mode change the main activity room 1.23 times on average, and the same-age class is 2.46 times; 5.The factors that affect the choice of mixed-age or same-age grouping mode are in order: consider the physical and mental needs of infants and toddlers, class size, physical environment , facilities and equipment, etc. The results of this study will be used as a reference for the guidance program of childcare centers, pre-service training, in-service education of childcare teachers and policy making.
頁次 020-031
關鍵詞 分齡編班 混齡編班 托嬰中心 主責照顧 照顧持續性 same-age grouping mixed-age grouping daycare center primary caregiving continuity of care
卷期 331
日期 202107
刊名 幼兒教育
出版單位 中國幼稚教育學會