

篇名 学生社会情感能力的国际比较:现状、影响及培养路径——基于OECD的调查
並列篇名 Performance, Influence, and Cultivating Strategies of Student Social and Emotional Skills from an International Perspective Analysis Based on OECD Survey
作者 徐瑾劼(XU Jinjie) 、杨雨欣(YANG Yuxin)
中文摘要 经济合作与发展组织近期发布了首个国际性的学生社会情感能力调查结果(简称SSES调查),来自中国苏州、芬兰赫尔辛基、加拿大渥太华等10个城市参加了调查。每个城市随机选取了10岁和15岁年龄段的学生各3000名。调查采用“大五人格模型”测量包括好奇心、创造性等15项社会情感能力,并比较了不同性别、年龄和家庭社会经济背景的学生各项能力的差异,还实证分析了不同社会情感能力对学生学业表现和心理健康的影响。调查结果为教育决策者、学校和教师提供了提升整体育人效果的思路和路径,包括关注学生社会情感能力发展的性别差异;科学引导家长,推动家校协同帮助学生顺利度过青春期;加大社会情感教育课程和教学的滲透,归纳和提炼教师智慧与经验,丰富学科德育理论和形成实践典范;重视教育评价的完整性,处理好多重教育目标的评价冲突,构建促进学生学习的评价体系。
英文摘要 OECD recently released the first international study on student social and emotional survey (SSES) with ten participating cities across the globe, including Suzhou, China, Helsinki, Finland and Ontario, Canada, and 3000 students from each of 10-years and 15-years age group. Using the Big Five Model, SSES measures 15 social and emotional skills, including curiosity and creativity, and compares individual differences between different age groups, genders, and students with different social and economic backgrounds. In addition, SSES also conducts evidence-based analysis on impacts on student emotional well-being and academic achievement by different social and emotional skills. SSES results provide education policymakers, school teachers, and leaders with the following insights: firstly, considerations and approaches to improve the effectiveness of overall education, including addressing concerns on genders differences; secondly, strong collaboration with parents, empowering teachers with specialized training programs and guiding parents to support student transition from childhood to adulthood; thirdly, promoting the integration of social and emotional skills into curriculum and teaching; fourthly, generalizing and abstracting teacher’s wisdom and experience to enrich the theory of moral education through subject teaching and identifying benchmarking practice to expand influences across districts and nation; fifthly, learning advanced international education assessment concept and technics to promote education assessment reform in the new era.
頁次 044-052
關鍵詞 经合组织 社会情感能力 大五人格模型 OECD social and emotional skills Big Five Model CSSCI
卷期 27:5
日期 202110
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學
DOI 10.13966/j.cnki.kfjyyj.2021.05.005