

篇名 讀者劇場融入技術型高中餐飲英文教學對學生學習動機及學習成就之影響
並列篇名 The Effects of Integrating Reader Theater into Hospitality English Instruction on Vocational High School Students’ English Learning Motivation and Learning Performance
作者 杜海寧(Hai-Ning Du) 、林志哲(Chih-Che Lin)
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討讀者劇場對技術型高中餐飲科學生英語學習動機及學習成就之影響,並透過實驗組與控制組之比較,來檢視其差異。研究對象為臺北市某技術型高中餐飲科二年級學生共72人,採用準實驗研究設計,隨機分派成實驗組與控制組,兩組課程內容均以餐旅英文與會話課程之飲料服務與用餐服務兩單元為主題進行設計。實驗組採用讀者劇場方式進行教學,控制組則維持傳統教學模式。教學實驗歷經八週共十六節課,於教學前後施予測驗,再以單因子共變異分析探討英語學習動機及學習成就的差異,並佐以小組討論紀錄與回饋評量。結果顯示實驗組學生在英語學習動機及學習成就上的表現優於控制組學生。實施讀者劇場讓學生透過小組練習和團隊合作,以學生為中心的教與學模式,提供學習者能有更多嘗試機會與一個練習舞台,不僅可有效增進學生的學習興趣、降低口說焦慮並培養人際互動的社會能力,也能顯著提升學生的學習成就。
英文摘要 This study examined the influence of Readers Theatre strategies integrated into a hospitality English and conversation class on the English learning motivation and learning performance of vocational high school students. Using a quasi-experimental design, this study involved 72 fourteen-graders who were randomly assigned to either the experimental group or the control group. The former adopted Readers theatre teaching, a performance strategy of a play or a show, while the latter followed traditional teaching methods. Before and after the experiment, all participants filled out the English Learning Motivation and Achievement Test. Through data collected from the students’ responses and records, the results of one-way ANCOVA indicated that the experimental group outperformed the control group for the dependent variables. The advantages of Readers theatre over traditional models are that it utilizes a student-centered teaching and learning model. It includes more group practice and teamwork and allows students to try and exercise, and in this study it showed positive effects on the students’ English learning motivation and learning performance. Finally, several recommendations and suggestions were provided for further implementation as well as for forthcoming studies.
頁次 083-112
關鍵詞 技術型高中 英語學習動機 學習成就 讀者劇場 Vocational High School English Learning Motivation Learning Performance Readers Theatre
卷期 13:3
日期 202012
刊名 師資培育與教師專業發展期刊
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學
DOI 10.3966/207136492020121303004