

篇名 思政课教学智能化建设研究
並列篇名 Study on Intelligent Construction of Ideological and Political Teaching
作者 蒋笃运(Jiang Duyun) 、杜社娟(Du Shejuan) 、谢梦菲(Xie Mengfei)
中文摘要 作为“落实立德树人根本任务的关键课程”,思政课的智能化建设是顺应时代潮流,落实习近平总书记关于加强思政课建设一系列重要讲话精神和“积极推动人工智能与教育深度融合,促进教育变革创新”重要思想的重要举措,是新时代立德树人的必然要求,是智能教育发展的必然选择。思政课教学智能化建设是思政课教学与人工智能等现代信息技术相互融合、创新发展的系统工程,其主要架构包括:智能课程教材体系、智能教学平台、智能教学环境、思政课教师智能素养四个有机联系的模块,并处理好思政课教学智能化建设中长远规划与分段实施、各学段相互衔接、思政课程与课程思政相互衔接、党政产学研协同共建等问题。
英文摘要 As a key course to carry out the fundamental task of cultivating people by virtue, the intelligent construction of ideological and political courses is to conform to the trend of the times. It is the inevitable requirement of the new era and the inevitable choice of the development of intelligent education. The intelligent construction of ideological and political teaching is a systematic project of the integration and innovation of modern information technology such as ideological and political teaching and artificial intelligence. Its main structure includes: intelligent curriculum teaching material system, intelligent teaching platform, intelligent teaching environment, intelligent literacy of ideological and political teachers, dealing with the problems of long-term planning and subsection implementation in the intelligent construction of ideological and political teaching, the interlinkage of each learning section, the interlinkage of ideological and political courses and other courses, and the co-construction of production, education, research and government.
頁次 128-133
關鍵詞 思政课 教学 智能化建设 ideological and political curriculum teaching intelligent construction CSSCI
卷期 408
日期 202101
刊名 中國電化教育
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社