

篇名 從校園輔導工作初探拒學議題之生態指標
並列篇名 Preliminary Research on Ecological Characteristic Index of School Refusal from School Guidance Perspective
作者 洪美鈴(Mei-Ling Hung) 、王麗斐(Li-Fei Wang) 、林正昌(Cheng-Chang Lin) 、張在蓓(Tsai-Pei Chang)
中文摘要 本研究旨在從校園輔導工作進行國內拒學現象在個人、家庭、學校三層面之生態特徵及維持因子初探。研究方法採取混合研究先質後量的探索性設計;首先,進行四位國中輔導實務工作者之質性訪談,並進行類別-內容分析,據以理解拒學現象在個人、家庭、學校三層面之生態特性;其次,依據質性研究結果,發展「拒學觀察處遇調查問卷」以進行量化研究,研究參與者為239位國內高中、國中、國小之輔導實務工作者,採用描述統計、主成份分析等統計方法。研究結果發現:在質性研究部分,拒學生態因子的個人層面為內在情緒特質、外顯行為表現、生理症狀、伴隨心理疾病與特教需求;在家庭層面為夫妻關係、家庭關係與期待、教養方式與規範、經濟資源;在學校層面為課程學習狀態、師生關係、同儕關係、學校規則。在量化研究部分,拒學生態特徵之指標包括:1.個人焦慮逃避;2.家庭保護與衝突糾結;3.個人家庭高期待;4.個人叛逆避苦;5.個人倦怠無動力;6.學校壓力與個人疼痛。而拒學維持因子之指標包括:1.班級老師處理困境;2.校內合作困難;3.個人作息與網路問題;4.家庭焦慮而保護學生;5.家長無力回應孩子攻擊;6.家庭缺乏拒學知能。最後,本研究依據上述拒學行為的生態特徵與維持因子提出討論,以提供後續拒學實務介入與未來相關研究之基礎。
英文摘要 This study explored the ecological characteristics and maintaining factors of Taiwan’s school refusal issues from the viewpoint of ecological systems, examining individual, family, and school aspects. An exploratory sequential mixed method research design was utilized in this study. First, qualitative interviews were conducted with four guidance teachers from Taiwan’s junior high schools. The qualitative data were analyzed using the categorical-content method to explore the ecological characteristics of school refusal phenomenon through individual, family, and school aspects. Thereafter, on the basis of the qualitative analysis results, a questionnaire was developed and administered among 239 guidance teachers from Taiwanese primary, junior high, and high schools. Descriptive statistics and principal component analysis were applied to analyze the quantitative data. The qualitative results highlighted the following ecological characteristics of Taiwan’s school refusal phenomenon: (1) the individual aspects entailed internal emotional states, external behaviors, physical symptoms, and need for psychological medication or special education; (2) the family aspects comprised relationship between parents, family relationships and expectations, parenting styles and regulations, and economic status and resources; and (3) the school aspect constituted student learning conditions, relationships with teachers, relationships with peers, and rules of a school system. The quantitative research results indicated the following ecological characteristics index of school refusal: (1) personal anxious avoidance, (2) familial overprotection and conflicts, (3) personal and familial over-expectations, (4) personal opposition and indolence, (5) inactivity and lack of motivation, and (6) school pressure and personal physical discomfort. Moreover, the quantitative research results demonstrated that the maintaining factors index of school refusal comprised the following: (1) class management challenges, (2) problems with cooperation within school system, (3) issues of personal daily routine and Internet management, (4) family anxiety toward school systems, (5) insufficient parental intervention against attacks from child, and (6) family lacking knowledge on school refusal. Finally, the results were discussed in more details and provided suggestions for practice and further studies.
頁次 585-612
關鍵詞 生態指標 拒學 維持因子 ecological index school refusal maintaining factors TSSCI Scopus
卷期 51:4
日期 202006
刊名 教育心理學報
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系(所)
DOI 10.6251/BEP.202006_51(4).0004