

篇名 学习共同体对学习效果的影响——基于35项实验和准实验研究的元分析
並列篇名 The Impact of Learning Communities on Learning Outcomes: Meta-Analysis Based on 35 Experimental or Quasi-experimental Studies
作者 余淑珍(YU Shuzhen) 、安德罗索夫.阿列克谢(ANDROSOV Alexey) 、张宝辉(ZHANG Baohui)
中文摘要 本研究采用元分析方法,梳理分析近十年国内外学习共同体对学习效果影响的35项买验和准买验研究。结果表明:1)学习共同体对学习效果的整体平均效应值经调整后为0.352;2)学习共同体对认知及非认知学习效果均有中等程度的正向促进作用,其中对非认知层面的整体作用效果优于认知层面;3)学习共同体对学习效果的作用受调节变量的影响,学习模式、测量工具、测量方式对学习效果的调节作用组间差异显著;4)控制程度、共同体容量、教学周期、学段、课程类型、学习者类型对学习效果的调节作用组间差异不显著。最后,本研究结合元分析结果,为学习共同体的有效设计和实施提出建议。
英文摘要 This meta-analysis study examined the impact of learning communities on learning outcomes based on 35 experimental or quasi-experimental studies both domestically and internationally. The results show that: 1) the comprehensive effect value of learning communities on learning outcomes is 0.352; 2) on the whole, learning communities have a medium positive effect on both cognitive and non-cognitive learning outcomes, and the effect value is statistically significantly stronger on non-cognitive outcomes compared to cognitive outcomes; 3) there is no significant difference between the degree of control, community size, duration, educational level, type of courses, and type of learners; 4) the effect is significantly moderated by learning mode, followed by the type of measurement tools and the way of measure. Finally, a complete discussion on the strategies of effective design and implementation of learning communities is given.
頁次 081-090
關鍵詞 学习共同体 学习社区 学习成效 元分析 learning community community of practice learning outcomes meta-analysis CSSCI
卷期 27:5
日期 202110
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學
DOI 10.13966/j.cnki.kfjyyj.2021.05.009