

篇名 私立大學校長遴選程序的法律爭議:以高醫案為例
並列篇名 Legal Controversy over the Procedure of the Selection of the President of a Private University: The Case of Kaohsiung Medical University
作者 許育典(Yue-Dian Hsu) 、林欣儀(Hsin-Yi Lin)
中文摘要 截至2019學年度,我國共計有127所大學,其中,公立大學45所,私立大學則高達82所,臺灣目前高等教育學校數的發展,係以私立大學為大宗,因此私立大學運作與發展的好壞,將影響為數眾多的學生與教師。依《大學法》規定,大學校長的職責與任務為綜理校務並負責校務之發展,因此私立大學的校長人選會深深影響大學的整體走向,然而近年來,私立大學的校長產生方式卻常發生爭議,在私立大學校長的遴選程序中,學校財團法人基於私人興學自由的自主性,具有審核重要規章、決定校長人選等權限;但另一方面,私立大學受大學自治的保障,亦具有人事任用的選擇權、制定及頒布規章的權限,導致學校財團法人與私立大學之間因各自互有主張,而有所衝突。本文所分析之高醫案,即是校方與董事會兩者對校長遴選辦法制定權歸屬之爭執,倘自大學自治及私人興學自由同時受憲法保障之觀點出發,私立大學校長遴選相關事項之權限,自應由上開兩者互相分享為宜。
英文摘要 As of the 108 academic year in Taiwan, there are 127 universities in total, of which 45 are public universities and 82 are private universities. Since private universities far outnumber public universities, whether a private university runs well or not will affect many college students. According to the “University Act”, a university’s president is responsible for the overall management of the university as well as the development of its academic affairs, and he/she represents the university externally. In recent years, however, there has been controversy over the selection of a private university’s president. In the procedure of the selection of a private university’s president, the school legal person is the main subject of the freedom of private education with the authority of reviewing important regulations and determining the president’s selection, while the university is the subject of university autonomy with the authority of formulating various important rules. Accordingly, conflicts of interests between the two parties—the school legal person and the university—might arise. The controversial case of Kaohsiung Medical University studied in this article concerns the right of regulations governing the selection of a university’s president. It is claimed that if the controversy is analyzed from the perspectives of the university autonomy and the freedom of private education under the Constitution, the right of selecting a university’s president and related matters should be shared between both of the above two parties.
頁次 001-029
關鍵詞 大學自治 私人興學自由 校長遴選程序 學術自由 university autonomy freedom of private education procedure of the selection of a private university’s president academic freedom TSSCI
卷期 23:2
日期 202005
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所
DOI 10.3966/156082982020052302001