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篇名 特殊教育助理人員個人背景變項、社會支持、工作滿意度和生涯承諾關係之研究
並列篇名 A Study on Relationships between Personal Background Variables, Social Support, Job Satisfaction, and Career Commitment of Special Education Assistants
作者 鄭雅容(Yea-Rong Cheng)
中文摘要 本研究之目的在探討特殊教育助理人員個人背景變項、社會支持、工作滿意度和生涯承諾之關係,研究者以問卷為調查工具,發送Google表單調查,有效樣本共回收217位特殊教育助理人員之問卷。研究結果顯示,特殊教育助理人員在社會支持、工作滿意度和生涯承諾上,都呈現中上程度反應,其中高年齡組之特殊教育助理人員在其社會支持、工作滿意度和生涯承諾感受,大多有比年輕者有較正向的趨勢。特殊教育助理人員在社會支持、工作滿意度和生涯承諾等三類變項間有顯著之正相關。而在生涯承諾迴歸預測模式上,以年齡、社會支持之家庭支持層面及工作滿意度之專業溝通層面最具效果。總體來說,本研究發現特殊教育助理人員之社會支持及工作滿意度對生涯承諾有重要影響。最後,本研究也提出若干建議,作為政府部門、學校、教師及特教助理人員之參考。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study is to explore the relationships between personal background variables, social support, job satisfaction, and career commitment of special education assistants. The researcher used questionnaires as a survey instrument and sent a Google form survey. The responses from a total of 217 special education assistants were collected. The results of the study showed that the special education assistants had an upper-middle level of response in terms of social support, job satisfaction, and career commitment. There was a tendency that the older special education assistants had more positive responses than did younger ones in terms of social support, job satisfaction, and career commitment. There were significant positive correlations among the three variables of social support, job satisfaction, and career organizational commitment. As for the regression prediction model of career commitment, age, the family support dimension in social support and the professional communication dimension in job satisfaction are the most effective predictors. Overall, this study found that the social support and job satisfaction of special education assistants had a significant impact on career commitment. Finally, this study also made some recommendations for government departments, schools, teachers and special education assistants.
頁次 049-070
關鍵詞 特殊教育助理人員 個人背景變項 社會支持 工作滿意度 生涯承諾 Career Commitment Job Satisfaction Personal Background Variables Special Education Assistants Social Support
卷期 38
日期 202306
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系