

篇名 合併視覺困難的特殊兒童在教育支持服務上之狀況與挑戰-以參與「特殊兒童眼科示範中心」為例
並列篇名 The Situations and Challenges of Educational Support Services for Children with Special Needs Combined with Visual Difficulties- Focused on the "Vision Center for Children with Special Needs"
作者 吳純慧(Chun-Hui Wu) 、蔡麗婷(Li-Ting Tsai) 、侯鈞賀(Chiun-Ho Hou)
中文摘要 本研究以參與衛福部2019年「特殊兒童眼科示範中心」試辦計畫中,同時或是疑有視覺方面問題的發展遲緩或身心障礙兒童51名為對象,透過自編之特殊兒童教育相關資料問卷對照顧者進行填答,以瞭解在教育環境中接受相關支持服務的狀況與面臨的挑戰。研究發現,就學中的學童為44名,其中近九成已於教學現場接受不同程度的特殊教育服務;29名(66%)就讀集中式特教班或特教學校,在教育上的特殊需求相對較高。透過眼科特別門診之檢查,全體兒童中至少達半數以上(27名)應已符合現行特殊教育視障學生鑑定之基準;然而,其中曾接受過功能性視覺評估的人數僅4名,比率甚低(15%),同時,在視障教育各項特殊需求服務之提供仍顯不足。結論指出,眼科特別門診檢查對合併視覺困難的特殊兒童的重要性,在教育環境上可及早發現符合視障鑑定基準之學生,以及透過功能性視覺評估掌握視覺表現,及時獲得較適切的視障教育特殊需求服務或相關專業團隊的合作協助。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study is to target 51 special needs children who have visual problems who participated at the same time in the 2019 " Vision Center for Children with Special Needs " pilot program of Taiwan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare. The researchers completed a self-compiled questionnaire on education-related information of special children for parents to understand the situations and challenges they faced in receiving relevant support services in the educational environment. The study found that nearly 90% of the students (44) enrolled in this study had received different levels of special education services in the schools, and there were 29 students (66%) enrolled in centralized special education classes or special education schools. Through an ophthalmology diagnosis, it was found that at least half (27) of the children with special needs had met the criteria for the identification as visually impaired students in special education. However, the proportion who had received functional visual assessment was very low (15%), just 4 students, and the provision of special needs services was still insufficient. This study emphasizes the importance of diagnosing children with special needs through special ophthalmology clinics. Early identification of students who meet the criteria for visual impairment in the educational environment will allow special needs children with visual difficulties to obtain more appropriate special needs services in an early and timely manner, or to get assistance through cooperation with a more relevant professional team.
頁次 001-012
關鍵詞 特殊兒童眼科示範中心 視障學生鑑定 功能性視覺評估 視障教育特殊需求服務 Vision Center for Children with Special Needs identification of visually impaired students functional vision evaluation the special services for visually impaired education
卷期 165
日期 202212
刊名 特殊教育季刊
出版單位 中華民國特殊教育學會
DOI 10.6217/SEQ.202212_(165).1-12