

篇名 “融合”抑或“疏离”:现象学视域下智能时代教师技术适应取向
並列篇名 “Integration” or “Alienation” : The Orientation of Teachers Technological Adaptation in the Intelligent Age from the Phenomenological Perspective
作者 赵磊磊(Zhao Leilei) 、鲍文雨(Bao Wenyu) 、代蕊华(Dai Ruihua)
中文摘要 依随着信息技术的智能升级,以人工智能、5G等新技术为核心支撑的智能时代成为我国教育改革与发展的新背景。面对已经成为促进教育发展存在之维的人工智能,教师适应技术变革是时代赋予的责任。在现象学视角下,教师技术适应过程中存在着融合与疏离两种取向。智能时代教师技术疏离的诱因主要在于具有类人属性的智能技术难以实现人文关怀、教师智能教育素养的缺位与滞后、智能技术的居间作用含混、技术意向性与教育意向性的混淆与割裂。对此,智能时代教师技术融合应关注以下路向:聚焦情感捕捉与人文关怀,创设基于师生情感感知的智能服务机制;促进教师技术价值感知,构建教师智能技术胜任力情景化培育机制;注重内外兼修,设计教育领域内人工智能的伦理规约准则;构建校本化教学技术伦理防范机制,拒斥智能技术背后裹挟的技术沙文主义。
英文摘要 With the intelligent upgrading of information technology, the intelligent era supported by new technologies such as artificial intelligence and 5G has become a new background for China’s education reform and development. In the face of artificial intelligence, which has become the existing dimension of promoting the development of education, it is the responsibility of The Times for teachers to adapt to the technological change. From the perspective of phenomenology, there are two orientations of integration and alienation in the process of teachers’ technological adaptation. It is found that the main causes of teachers’ technological alienation in the intelligent era are the difficulty of humanoid intelligent technology to realize humanistic care, the absence and lag of teachers’ intelligent educational literacy, the ambiguous intermediary role of intelligent technology, and the confusion and separation of technical intentionality and educational intentionality. Moreover, the technology integration of teachers in the intelligent era should pay attention to the following directions: focusing on emotion capture and humanistic care, creating an intelligent service mechanism based on teacher and student emotion perception; Promote teachers’ perception of technology value, and build situational cultivation mechanism of teachers’ intelligent technology competence; Pay attention to both internal and external cultivation, design the ethical regulations of artificial intelligence in the field of education; We should construct a preventive mechanism of school-based teaching technology ethics and reject the technological chauvinism behind intelligent technology.
頁次 039-046
關鍵詞 智能时代 教师 技术适应 现象学 the age of intelligence teacher technology adaptation phenomenology CSSCI
卷期 445
日期 202402
刊名 中國電化教育
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社