

篇名 餐飲管理系學生實習體驗對創業意圖之影響:以自我效能、感知可行性及感知慾望為中介變數
並列篇名 Impact of Internship Experience on Entrepreneurial Intentions: A Survey of Food and Beverage Management Majors in Universities in Southern Taiwan
作者 李清潭(Chin-Tarn Lee) 、曾國政(Kuo-Chang Zen) 、王澤宇(Tse-Yu Wang)
中文摘要 校外實習已成為當前大專校院課程中至為重要的一環,業已對學生的職涯發展產生重大的影響,因此,本研究以PLS-SEM探討學生實習體驗與創業意圖的關係,同時檢視自我效能、感知可行性及感知慾望在實習體驗與創業意圖之間的中介效果。本研究對臺灣南部地區四所大專校院餐飲管理相關學系已實習過的學生發放問卷,有效問卷為191份。根據分析結果顯示,實習體驗對創業意圖有正向顯著影響,而自我效能對於創意意圖則並無顯著影響。自我效能在實習體驗與創業意圖之間有部分中介效果,感知可行性與感知慾望則是有顯著的中介效果。最後,標準配適度指標、標準化均方根殘差值等研究模型配適度指標雖然沒有達到特別高的標準,但亦接近相關文獻提出的標準值,顯示本研究之模型仍具一定程度的效度。
英文摘要 Internships have become an essential part of the technical and vocational university system and they are strongly related to the career development of students. This study used PLS-SEM to analyze the influence of the internships of food and beverage management majors on their entrepreneurial intentions after the internships were completed, and it also examined the mediation effect of self-efficacy, perceived feasibility, and perceived desirability. The sampling was taken from students with internship experience in departments related to food and beverage management in four universities and colleges in Southern Taiwan and 191 valid questionnaire copies were returned. The results indicated that internship experience had a positive relationship with entrepreneurial intentions, but self-efficacy did not have a significant relationship with entrepreneurial intentions. The self-efficacy had partial mediation effect between internship experience and entrepreneurial intentions, and perceived feasibility as well as perceived desirability had significant mediation effect. Lastly, in terms of structural model fit, the data of SRMR, NFI, and RMS_theta show that the structural model is close to a good fit.
頁次 121-159
關鍵詞 自我效能 創業意圖 感知可行性 感知慾望 實習體驗 self-efficacy entrepreneurial intention perceived feasibility perceived desirability internship experience TSSCI
卷期 24:3
日期 202108
刊名 教育政策論壇
出版單位 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所
DOI 10.3966/156082982021082403004