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篇名 COVID-19後疫情時代學校遠距教學難題與爭議
並列篇名 The Problems and Controversies of Distance Learning in Schools in the Post-Pandemic Era
作者 劉世閔(Shih-Min Liu)
中文摘要 2019年末,COVID-19疫情自武漢爆發,由於傳染力強,傳播速率快,對人類生活、經濟產業、交通旅遊、學校教學與民眾心理產生重大影響。截至2021年1月初為止,全球超過9,030多萬人感染,死亡超過193萬人,為因應這波疫情,本研究從電子資源查詢系統(Electronic Resources Management Gateway, ERMG),例如WOS、SDOL、EBSCOHOST,採紮根理論,運用NVivoR.1.3進行內容與文件分析,探索學校如何因應這波疫情,又造成怎樣的難題與爭議。本研究發現,特別是2020年,561篇具有COVID-19關鍵詞的文獻中,伴隨線上遠距教學(Online Distance Education, ODE)等相關關鍵字增長,遠距教學平台愈趨多元,且效能愈來愈強大,ODE突破教室固有疆域,超越時空,使人際溝通愈趨虛擬化,卻也同時引發資安與數位落差的問題。
英文摘要 At the end of 2019, since the outbreak of COVID-19 in Wuhan, due to its strong contagiousness and rapid spreading rate, it was affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, human life, economy, industry, transportation and tourism, school teaching and people's psychology have a major impact. Up to January, 2021, more than 90.3 million people worldwide have been infected, and more than 1.93 million have died. This study explored how schools responded to the epidemic and what problems and controversies were created by using the content and document analysis from ERMG (e.g., WOS, SDOL, EBSCOHOST) using NVivo R. 1.3 in a grounded theory. The study found that, especially in 2020, among the 561 papers with COVID-19 keywords, the number of keywords related to online distance education (ODE) is growing, and the distance learning platform is becoming more and more diverse and powerful. ODE breaks through the classroom’s inherent boundaries, transcends time and space, and virtualizes interpersonal communication. This study also illustrates that the post epidemic era brought about a change in the traditional teaching style of schools.
頁次 092-112
關鍵詞 NVivo R. 1.3 新型冠狀病毒 線上遠距教學 COVID-19 ODE
卷期 323
日期 202103
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602021030323007