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篇名 校長發展校園數位學習的遠見領導策略:從教師認知取向進行探討
並列篇名 Principal’s Visionary Leadership Strategies for Developing Digital Learning on Campus: An Exploration From the Perspective of Teacher Cognition
作者 蔡明學(Ming-Hsueh Tsai) 、邱富源(Fu-yuan Chiu) 、李姲霓(Yen-ni Li)
中文摘要 數位學習已是教育發展之重要目標,當前臺灣雖提出諸多數位教育政策,但教育現場的落實程度尚未有明確的結果。本研究主要以中央研究院社會研究所與國家教育研究院共同執行之「臺灣數位世代青少年的成長歷程追蹤研究計畫」調查中的教師問卷,了解教師在數位教學上的需求、困境與差異,藉以探討校長在科技領導下如何推動數位校園的發展,並提出結論和建議。本研究主要進行次級資料分析,資料來源為「2023臺灣數位世代青少年的成長歷程追蹤研究」調查資料,有效問卷總計1,066份。分析結果顯示:一、教師主要應用數位科技進行學生學習監督,然教師對於學生學習的監督程度與教師數位教學能力呈現正向關係;二、學校資訊化區位影響數位教學質量;三、教學年資影響教師數位教學運用;四、科技領域教師在數位教學表現更佳,資源也較充足。根據研究結果,最後提供校長數位學習領導建議,包括:一、優先增進教師數位教學運用方面之能力,並確保學生有效學習;二、尋求外部資源,確保學校資源不虞匱乏;三、打造以數位學習為核心的校園文化氛圍。
英文摘要 Digital learning has become a crucial objective in educational development. Despite the introduction of numerous digital education policies in Taiwan, the extent of their implementation in educational settings remains unclear. This study primarily utilizes teacher questionnaires from the joint longitudinal study on the growth of Taiwan’s digital generation youth conducted by the Academia Sinica and the National Academy for Educational Research. It aims to understand teachers’ needs, challenges, and disparities in digital teaching, exploring how principals can promote the development of digital campuses under technological leadership and offering conclusions and recommendations. The study mainly conducts a secondary data analysis, with the data sourced from the 2023 survey on the growth trajectory of Taiwan’s digital generation youth. A total of 1,066 valid teacher questionnaires were analyzed. The findings indicate that: (1) Teachers primarily use digital technology to monitor student learning, with the level of monitoring related to their digital teaching abilities; (2) The digitalization of school locations affects the quality of digital teaching; (3) Teaching experience influences the application of digital teaching by teachers; (4) Teachers in the technology field perform better in digital teaching and have more resources available. Lastly, recommendations for principals on digital learning leadership include: (1) Prioritizing the enhancement of teachers’ capabilities in digital teaching and ensuring adequate campus resources; (2) Seeking external resources to ensure the availability of school resources; (3) Creating a campus culture centered on digital learning.
頁次 032-048
關鍵詞 校長科技領導 教師專業發展 遠見領導 數位教學 principal’s technology leadership teacher professional development visionary leadership digital teaching
卷期 364
日期 202408
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.53106/168063602024080364003