

篇名 教育公平视域中在线教育的困境与出路
並列篇名 The Dilemma and Solution of Online Education in the Perspective of Educational Equity
作者 胡钦太(Hu Qintai) 、刘丽清(Liu Liqing) 、丁娜(Ding Na)
中文摘要 当前,在线教育已被各国视为促进教育公平的战略选择,“公平而有质量的教育”是在线教育朝向更高水平发展的价值目标。该文从教育公平视域出发,结合疫情期间我国在线教育的现实情况,审视当前在线教育发展面临的困境,并基于教育公平的三个层次提出推动在线教育发展的有效路径,以期抓住在线教育红利期,使大规模的个性化教育真正成为可能。
英文摘要 Nowadays, online education has been regarded as a strategic choice to promote education equity, and the realization of equity and quality in education is the value goal of online education towards a higher level. From the perspective of education equity, this paper combines the reality of online education in China during the outbreak of COVID-19 and examines the dilemma of the development of online education. And based on the three levels of education equity, this paper puts forward an effective way to promote the development of online education, in order to seize the bonus period of online education and make large-scale personalized education really possible.
頁次 014-021
關鍵詞 教育公平 在线教育 困境 路径 educational equity online education dilemma solution CSSCI
卷期 403
日期 202008
刊名 中國電化教育
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社