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篇名 高等职业教育的“高等性”之惑及其当代破解
並列篇名 The Confusion of the Higher Trait of Higher Vocational and Technical Education and its Current Solution
作者 匡瑛(Kuang Ying)
中文摘要 我国高等职业教育迎来了一个历史性的发展机遇期。然而,高等职业教育的基本定位问题是我国高职发展一直以来的一个难点和痛点,特别是人们对“高等性”内涵的理解摇摆了几十年,这在很大程度上影响了高职的健康发展。准确理解新时代高等职业教育的“高等性”内涵,就成为高等职业教育继续向上向好发展的根本性问题。高等职业教育的“高等性”之惑具有很强的国别特殊性和“与生俱来”的矛盾冲突性,同时也是整个高等教育规模发展进程中必然出现的问题。高等职业教育“高等性”内涵的嬗变经历了谋求高等之名与“文化水平等同说”、廓清技术技能之别与“技术教育定位说”、弥补高技能人才缺口与“技能水平高超说”等阶段。面对新时代的新挑战,以往三种学说均未能与时俱进,无法被沿用。我们必须突破二元思维模式,建构基于类型教育的高等职业教育新的“高等性”内涵框架。在新的内涵框架下高等职业教育将呈现出全新样态。
英文摘要 Higher vocational education in China has ushered in a period of development opportunities. However, the basic positioning of higher vocational and technical education is still a pain point, especially for the definition of “higher trait”, which affects the growth of higher vocational and technical education to some extent. It’s essential to understand the connotation of “higher character”. The confusion of the connotation of “higher trait” is one of the inborn particularities in China, which is also accordant with the trend of the development of higher education. The connotation of “higher trait” has experienced three doctrines including “equal cultural level”,“technical education position” and “high skills”. In the present era, those three doctrines are all out of date. It is of importance to build up a new connotation of “higher trait” of higher vocational and technical education based on the notion of “Type Education”. Through the new connotation, the higher vocational and technical education will present a complete new pattern.
頁次 012-022
關鍵詞 高等性 高等职业教育 当代破解 the higher character higher vocational and technical education current solution CSSCI
卷期 38:1
日期 202001
刊名 華東師範大學學報(教育科學版)
出版單位 華東師範大學
DOI 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2020.01.002