

篇名 學生及學校因素對合作式問題解決表現之多層級分析
並列篇名 Multilevel Analysis of Student and School Factors on CPS Performance in Taiwan
作者 莊淑芬(Su-Fen Chuang) 、盧秀琴(Chow-Chin Lu)
中文摘要 正如學生能力國際評量計畫(Programme for International Student Assessment, PISA)等許多重要的研究所強調,合作式問題解決(collaborative problem solving, CPS)是21世紀的一項關鍵且必不可少之技能;因此,臺灣中學生在PISA 2015CPS的表現情形是迫切需要探討的。本研究旨在區分學生層級及學校層級之因素與CPS表現的相關性。學生層級因素為「性別」、「合作態度」和「社經地位」(economic, social and cultural status, ESCS);學校層級因素則為「校平均ESCS」、「校平均合作態度」和「學校城鄉位置」。本研究採用次級研究法,以臺灣學生共7,708人為研究對象,利用PISA 2015資料庫所建置之合作式問題解決評量表現、學生問卷及學校問卷等研究工具與數據,使用多層次線性模式分析學生層級和學校層級之因素與CPS表現的相關情形,進而探究可能存在的跨層級交互作用。研究結果顯示,預測CPS表現的學生層級因素重要性為性別>ESCS>合作態度。此外,男生的平均分數顯著低於女生。合作態度、校平均合作態度和學校城鄉位置與CPS表現的相關性極小。愈高的學生ESCS和校平均ESCS對CPS的表現愈好。學校城鄉位置對於CPS表現並無顯著性跨層級作用。最後討論到對教學和未來研究的建議。
英文摘要 As been highlighted by many researches, such as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) is a critical and necessary skill in 21st century. It was urgent to be understood how the performance of Taiwan students were in PISA 2015 CPS. This research was to distinguish the students’ individual characteristics and school characteristics, and take both into account to examine the CPS achievement. It was to ascertain the relationship among the gender difference (GD), the attitude of collaboration (AC), economic, social and cultural status (ESCS), school location (SLOC), school-mean socioeconomic status (SESCS) and school-mean attitude of collaboration (SAC) of CPS performance. The two-level hierarchical linear model was used to analyze 7,708 15-year-old students’ data. The results showed that: (1) As the importance of predictors of student level as concerned, GD> ESCS>AC. Furthermore, Taiwanese boys achieved significantly lower average scores than girls. (2) AC, SAC and SLOC variables were minimally related to CPS scores. (3) Higher ESCS at student level and higher SESCS at school level yielded higher CPS performance. (4) SLOC had no moderating effect on CPS. Suggestions for instruction and future research were discussed.
頁次 175-207
關鍵詞 PISA 2015 合作式問題解決 性別 社經地位 學校城鄉位置 Collaborative Problem Solving ESCS gender PISA 2015 school location TSSCI
卷期 68:3
日期 202109
刊名 測驗學刊
出版單位 中國測驗學會、心理出版社