

篇名 中小学生“作业减负”政策实施成效及协同机制分析——基于全国30个省(市、区)137个地级市的调查
並列篇名 Analysis of the Effectiveness and Coordination Mechanism of the Policy of “Reducing the Burden on Homework” for Elementary and Middle School Students —Based on a Survey of 137 Cities in 30 Provinces
作者 宁本涛(Ning Bentao) 、杨柳(Yang Liu)
中文摘要 作业负担是中小学学业负担治理的顽固性问题。新中国成立以来,国家出台了一轮轮减负政策,但积弊难返,效果不尽人意。为了解“双减”政策实施数月以来的初步成效,华东师范大学五育融合研究中心课题组向全国范围的中小学教师、学生、家长发放23746份问卷。调查结果显示:政策实施后,中小学生作业量明显减少,自我管理作业能力增强,一定程度上缓解了学生焦虑情绪。为确保作业“减负”提质,所调查学校和家庭在作业设计、教学反馈、闲暇教育等方面携手共建协同机制,使减负初步呈现出积极效果。然而,政策运行中困境凸显:一方面教师的作业设计负担与难度增加,考核制度与减负矛盾激化;另一方面学生自律性差异显现,家长学业忧患感显著。未来在政策落实上,应从以下几方面突围:遵循作业训练的边际效应与个体差异;探索基于五育融合的创新型作业;划定教育利益相关者的权责边界;引导师生加强时间的自我管理;合理衔接作业任务与学业质量考核。
英文摘要 Homework burden is a stubborn problem in the management of schoolwork burden in primary and secondary schools. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the state has issued a round of burden reduction policies, but the accumulated drawbacks are hard to return, and the effect is not satisfactory. In order to understand the initial results of the “double reduction” (ease the burden of excessive homework and off -campus tutoring for students ) policy in the past few months, the research team of the Five Education Integration Research Center of East China Normal University distributed 23,746 questionnaires to teachers, students, and parents in primary and secondary schools nationwide. The survey results show that after the implementation of the policy, the amount of homework of primary and middle school students has been significantly reduced, and the ability of self-management of homework has been enhanced, which has alleviated student anxiety to a certain extent. In order to ensure the “burden reduction” and improvement of the quality of homework, the surveyed schools and families have jointly established a collaborative mechanism in the aspects of homework design, teaching feedback, and leisure education, so that the burden reduction has initially shown a positive effect. However, the dilemma in the operation of the policy has been highlighted: on the one hand, the burden and difficulty of teacher’s homework design have increased, and the contradiction between the assessment system and burden reduction has intensified; on the other hand, differences in student self-discipline have appeared, and parents have a significant sense of academic worries. In the future, policy implementation should break through from the following aspects: follow the marginal effects and individual differences of job training; explore innovative jobs based on the integration of five educations; delimit the rights and responsibilities of education stakeholders; guide teachers and students to strengthen their time. link between homework tasks and academic quality assessment reasonably.
頁次 009-016
關鍵詞 作业负担 “双减”政策 实施成效 协同机制 homework burden “ease the burden of excessive homework and off -campus tutoring for students” policy implementation effectiveness coordination mechanism CSSCI
卷期 420
日期 202201
刊名 中國電化教育
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社