

篇名 英語授課的想像與真實:從大學生閱讀能力觀之
並列篇名 Imagination and Reality of English-medium Instruction on University Students' Reading Competency
作者 鍾智林(Chih-Lin Chung) 、羅美蘭(Mei-Lan Lo)
中文摘要 文獻指出學生認為修習英語授課(EMI)可提升語文能力,本研究以英語前、後測的總結性評量來探討前揭自評式想像的真實性,對象為中文授課學系的大學生,是否因一學期EMI課程而改善閱讀能力。個案EMI課程以傳遞專業知識為主,搭配學科主題相關的專業英文(ESP)文本閱讀作業及小考,並由學科教師及英語教師設計客製化ESP試題,發現前、後測的ESP閱讀成績無顯著差異。參酌外部資料可知,臺灣學生於高中階段達到英文閱讀能力巔峰,大學時期則呈現衰退,本研究顯示EMI應有助於維持、而非短期提升大學生的閱讀能力。文末以實例說明「想像」若付諸持續的「行動」,英語進步終將成為「真實」。
英文摘要 Literature reported that students self-assessed that they could gain improvement of language competency after taking EMI courses. To verify this reality of such self-assessed imagination, this study adopts summative assessment via pre- and post-tests: whether university students from departments with a Chinese-medium instruction achieve better English reading grades after taking a one-semester of EMI course. The selected course in this research focused on content knowledge delivery along with related ESP reading assignments and quizzes. The instructor co-worked with the English teacher to design the customized ESP pre- and post-tests for reading assessments. However, the result presents no significant performance differences between the two tests. Based on past studies, the English reading competency of Taiwanese students usually reaches the peak in the high school stage, then it declines in the university years. Our finding supports this that EMI may help sustain students' reading competency, but also questions that EMI could really enhance students' reading competency in a short run. This study proposes that, a combination of imagination and continuous action would eventually make English improvement a reality, but not on a short-time EMI.
頁次 063-076
關鍵詞 英語授課 英語閱讀能力 高等教育 專業英文 總結性評量 English-medium instruction (EMI) English reading competency higher education English for specific purposes (ESP) summative assessment TSSCI
卷期 24:4
日期 202110
刊名 課程與教學
出版單位 中華民國課程與教學學會
DOI 10.6384/CIQ.202110_24(4).0003