

篇名 音素辨識遊戲對幼兒在聲韻覺識能力的效果研究
並列篇名 The Effects of Phoneme Activity Program on Preschoolers’ Phonological Awareness
作者 簡馨瑩(Hsin Ying Chien) 、陳淑芳(Shu Fang Chen)
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討音素辨識遊戲對於幼兒在聲韻覺識能力的效果與保留效果。本研究採準實驗研究法,以不等組前、後測設計進行實驗教學。研究參與對象來自東部公立幼兒園一班與私立幼兒園兩班53名4.8歲到6.5歲中大班幼兒為研究對象,分為實驗組(N=28)與對照組(N=25),共53名中大班幼兒。實驗組採音素辨識遊戲;對照組幼兒則接受傳統的唸謠活動。實驗時間為五週20次,每次30分鐘教學。兩組幼兒均實施學習成效的前、後測驗,且在實驗教學後三個禮拜,針對兩組幼兒進行延宕測驗,以了解兩組幼兒在學習保留效果的差異。研究結果顯示音素辨識遊戲對實驗組幼兒較對照組幼兒在整體聲韻覺識能力有顯著差異,亦具有保留的效果。本研究綜合研究的結果,提出結論與討論,並對學齡前聲韻覺識教學及未來研究提出建議。
英文摘要 This study investigated the impact of teaching strategies, specifically phoneme activities program with playfulness in body gesture activities embedded, on preschoolers’ phonological awareness. The study adopted a quasi-experiment design with pretest, posttest, and delayed posttest. Children aged from 4 years 8 months to 6 years 6 months participated in the study (N = 53). They were recruited from preschools in Taitung County. A total of 28 children were assigned to one experimental group (phoneme group), and the remaining 25 were assigned to the control group. Preservice teachers were recruited and trained to teach both groups. The intervention spanned 5 weeks. Phonological awareness tests were administered before and after the intervention. The findings revealed that the phoneme activities implemented in the experimental group had a significant positive impact on participants’ phonological awareness abilities compared with the control group, and also had a delayed effect. The implications of the study findings were discussed, and potential topics for future research were proposed.
頁次 001-026
關鍵詞 早期閱讀 注音符號 音素 聲韻覺識 Early Reading Zhuyinfuhao Phoneme Phonological Awareness TSSCI
卷期 24:4
日期 202110
刊名 課程與教學
出版單位 中華民國課程與教學學會
DOI 10.6384/CIQ.202110_24(4).0001