

篇名 测量时代的德育评价:难为与能为
並列篇名 Moral Education Evaluation in an Age of Measurement: Difficult and Capable
作者 冯建军(Feng Jianjun)
中文摘要 现代评价受科学主义影响,以测量为手段,追求绩效的量化和精确性。在德育上,表现为德育测评。德育测评强调指标的量化,评价主体单一,重视评价的工具性。但德育的复杂性和整体性、情感性和内隐性、长期性和反复性、自主性和人文性,使得德育测评陷入困境,如测评到的内容不是真正的德育,忽视德育的内在性,德育评价狭窄化,评价成为一种对人的控制。为此,必须改革德育测评,淡化功利性评价,注重过程性评价,把评价主动权还给师生,强化底线评价标准,创新质性评价方法,使评价回归德育本体,真正发挥评价的育人功能。
英文摘要 Modern evaluation is affected by scientistism and measured the quantitative and accuracy of performance. In moral education, it is manifested as a moral education evaluation. Moral education evaluation emphasizes the quantification of indicators, the single evaluation subject and the instrumentality of evaluation. However, the complexity and integrity, emotional and implicit, long-term and repetitive, autonomy and humanity of moral education make the evaluation of moral education in a dilemma, For example, the content evaluated is not real moral education, ignoring the internality of moral education, narrowing moral education evaluation, and evaluation becomes a kind of control over people. Therefore, we must reform the moral education evaluation, weaken the utilitarian evaluation, pay attention to the process evaluation, return the evaluation initiative to teachers and students, strengthen the bottom line evaluation standards, innovate the qualitative evaluation methods, make the moral education evaluation return to the moral education noumenon, and truly give full play to the educational function of evaluation.
頁次 001-008
關鍵詞 德育 德育评价 德育测评 moral education moral education evaluation moral education measurement CSSCI
卷期 420
日期 202201
刊名 中國電化教育
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社