

篇名 文化本位的跨学科学习:STEAM教育本土化的一种重要途径
並列篇名 The Culture-based Interdisciplinary Learning: An Important Way to Localize STEAM Education
作者 詹泽慧(Zhan Zehui) 、李彦刚(Li Yangang) 、高瑞翔(Gao Ruixiang)
中文摘要 文化本位的跨学科学习立足于落实“立德树人”的根本任务,贯彻我国以价值观为核心的育人需求,是对本土化STEAM教育在文化意义层面的进一步发展。该文首先从目标定位、内容选择、方法创新三方面阐述了文化本位的跨学科学习的内涵,然后结合《中华优秀传统文化进中小学课程教材指南》从分学科的文化融入、文理科内部跨学科的文化融入、文理交叉的跨学科的文化融入逐步深入地分析了文化融入学科教学的思路,再介绍了相关课程与广域课程两种文化本位的跨学科学习模式,最后就其中典型的广域课程模式的开发设计路径提出了金字塔模型及其应用的实例和相关保障措施,以期明晰STEAM教育本土化的方向,奠定文化本位的跨学科学习的理论基础,从而推动中华优秀传统文化教育的创新发展。
英文摘要 Culture-based interdisciplinary learning is a further development of localized STEAM education at the level of cultural significance, which practices the fundamental task of establishing moral integrity in cultivation and the implementation of China’s value-centered education needs. In this paper, the connotation of culture-based interdisciplinary learning was analyzed from three aspects (target positioning, content selection, and method innovation). Next, according to MOE’s Guide for the Introduction of Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture into Primary and Secondary Schools and the Teaching Materials, approaches of integrating culture into discipline teaching were developed step by step from the integration of culture into each single discipline to the integration into interdiscipline among liberal arts or sciences respectively then to the integration across the two. Finally, two kinds of culture-based interdisciplinary learning curricula (correlated curriculum and broad-fields curriculum) were introduced, where the latter was emphasized with putting forward a Pyramid Model and some supporting measures for its design. The paper served to indicate a direction for the localization of STEAM Education, to lay a theoretical foundation for culture-based interdisciplinary learning, and to promote innovative development of Chinese excellent traditional culture education.
頁次 095-104
關鍵詞 文化本位 跨学科学习 中华优秀传统文化 STEAM教育本土化 culture-based interdisciplinary learning Chinese excellent traditional culture localization of STEAM education CSSCI
卷期 420
日期 202201
刊名 中國電化教育
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社