

篇名 “1+X”证书制度建设对技术技能人才评价的挑战
並列篇名 The Challenge of “1+X” Certificate System to Skill Evaluation Technology
作者 赵志群(Zhao Zhiqun) 、孙钰林(Sun Yulin) 、罗喜娜(Luo Xina)
中文摘要 《国家职业教育改革实施方案》启动职业院校和应用型本科的“1+X”证书制度试点工作,这是我国证书制度建设的一次重要探索,对职业教育人才培养质量保证具有重要的影响,其成功实施的基础是高质量的技能考试。世界技能大赛是全球最具影响力的技能考试。分析发现,“世赛”试题具有采用反映典型工作任务的竞赛题目、真实性评价考试模式、分析性量规,以及主、客观评分相补充的评分标准等特点。这启发我们,在“1+X”技能考试的设计中,应全面理解当代社会“技能”的涵义,采用真实性评价设计策略,关注行动能力,并借鉴能力测评理论开发高质量情境性考试题目。
英文摘要 The “National Vocational Education Reform Implementation Plan” launched a pilot program of “1+X” certificate for vocational college and applied university undergraduates, this is an important exploration of certificate system construction in China and has a significant impact on the quality assurance of vocational education. An important basis for its successful implementation is high-quality skills test. World Skills Competition is the most influential skill test in the world. Analysis about the test questions of World Skills shows that the test questions reflect typical professional work tasks, authenticity evaluation model and analytical gauges, as well as subjective and objective scoring rating criteria that complement each other. It is suggested that we should comprehensively understand the meaning of skills in the contemporary society. “1+X ” skills tests should adopt cognitive authenticity evaluation design strategy, focus on action competence, and draw lessons from the vocational competence assessment theory to develop situated examination questions.
頁次 008-014
關鍵詞 “1+X”证书 技能考试 真实性评价 行动能力 “1+X” Certificate Skills Test Authenticity Evaluation Action Competence CSSCI
卷期 397
日期 202002
刊名 中國電化教育
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社