

篇名 學校翻轉──願景領導的系統化服務創新模式之個案研究
並列篇名 School Turnaround — A Case Study of A Systematic Service Innovation Model Based on Visionary Leadership
作者 張家馨(Chia-Hsin Chang) 、陳世良(Shieh-Liang Chen)
中文摘要 少子化問題,加上家長逐漸重視自身教育選擇權,使得過去公立國小仰賴學區保障的入學制度,不再是實際就學人數的保證,學校能夠爭取家長選擇及學生就讀,成為一所公立國小必須認真面對的課題。然而,過去相關研究多以單一影響因素或理論闡述進行討論,少有完整系統觀點及實務驗證。本研究目的在於提出一套公立國小經營管理的系統模式,提供學校領導者全面性的掌握發展契機及改變動能,帶領學校優質轉型。本研究以臺中市一所翻轉成功的公立國小─C國小為對象,蒐集現場觀察及多重證據來源資料,以質性方式進行個案研究。透過文獻彙整及實證,以教育生態系統觀點,建構願景領導的服務創新模式循環歷程,研究發現學校以願景領導聚焦方向與目標,透過服務創新模式的運作,進而願景實踐。最後,研究結果歸納出6套系統化服務創新模式,包括課程、學習、師資、資源、空間及管理等,為公立國小領導者提供具體有效的經營管理行動方案。
英文摘要 Due to the impact of declining birthrate and increasing attention to school selection and higher demand on education quality from parents, the entrance system of public elementary schools, which is used to depending on school districts division, is no longer a guarantee of registration. How to strive for the approval from parents and students has become a serious issue that a public elementary school has to face. However, related previous researches used to focus on single impact factor or theory, complete systematic perspectives and validation of actual evidence are still lacking. The purpose of this research is to propose a systematic management model of public schools, so the school leaders can take the best advantages of development opportunities and energy of change; furthermore, to promote superior school transformation. Based on one public elementary school which has successfully reached bottom rebound– C Elementary School, this research carries on qualitative case study through collecting onsite observation and multiple evidence. From the viewpoints of education ecological system, it establishes a new model of cyclic process of visionary leadership through literature organization and validation of true events. The research discovers that through the operation of innovative service model, the school achieves vision validation with focus of direction and goals due to visionary leadership. At last, the research concludes six innovative service models, including curriculum, learning, teaching faculty, resources, space and management, so as to provide public school leaders an effective and practical management act.
頁次 029-051
關鍵詞 願景領導 服務創新 教育生態系統 Visionary Leadership Service Innovation Education Ecological System
卷期 138
日期 202203
刊名 學校行政
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.202203_(138).0002