

篇名 基于智能研修平台的教师知识共享研修模型建构与实践
並列篇名 Construction and Practice of Teachers Knowledge Sharing Training Model Based on Intelligent Education Platform
作者 代毅(Dai Yi) 、刘臻(Liu Zhen) 、傅龙(Fu Long)
中文摘要 教学实践是教师研修的核心内容,线上研修环境与线下实践环境相结合的混合式研修已成为提升教师专业水平的重要途径。下一代研修平台将朝同步化、定制化、精准化和智能化方向演进,智能研修平台应运而生。智能研修平台在混合式研修中正在扮演越来越重要的角色,从仅仅作为研修内容的信息载体,逐渐发展成一种交互方式。不论是信息的传递,还是同伴的交流,在“交互”中可以实现知识的发生、共享和聚合。该文以大规模配置录播设备的云教室为教学实践场景,创设泛在的教师专业化发展支撑环境,重点关注以教师实践性知识提升为目标的知识共享,构建并分析验证了基于智能研修平台的由环境层、交互层和共享层构成的知识共享研修模型,实现了基于真实教学实践的、大规模、远距离、密切互动式教师间协作学习。
英文摘要 Teaching practice is the core content of teacher training, and the hybrid training that combines the online training environment with the offline practice environment has become an important way to improve teachers’ professional ability. The next-generation training platform will evolve towards synchronization, customization, precision and intelligence. The new format is emerging at this moment. Intelligent Education Platform are playing an increasingly important role in hybrid training, from merely serving as an information carrier for training content, gradually developing into an interactive mode. Whether it is the transmission of information or the communication of peers, the occurrence, sharing and aggregation of knowledge can be realized in “interaction”. This article uses a large-scale cloud classroom with recording and broadcasting equipment as the teaching practice scene, creating a ubiquitous teacher professional development support environment, focusing on knowledge sharing with the goal of improving teachers’ practical knowledge, constructing and analyzing and verifying the knowledge sharing training model composed of environment layer, interaction layer and sharing layer based on Intelligent Education Platform support, and realizes large-scale, long-distance and close interactive collaborative learning among teachers based on real teaching practice.
頁次 134-142
關鍵詞 智能研修平台 混合式研修 教学实践 知识共享 交互 intelligent education platform hybrid training teaching practice knowledge sharing interaction CSSCI
卷期 420
日期 202201
刊名 中國電化教育
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社