

篇名 初中综合科学教师专业素养模型的构建研究——基于对15位资深教师的深度访谈
並列篇名 On the Construction of the Competency Model of Junior High School Comprehensive Science Teachers: Based on In-depth Interviews with 15 Senior Teachers
作者 蒋永贵(JIANG Yong-gui) 、郭颖旦(GUO Ying-dan) 、赵博(ZHAO Bo) 、徐王熠(XU Wang-yi)
中文摘要 初中开设综合科学课程是我国新课改的一大创新,实施的关键在于教师,而其应具备怎样的专业素养,鲜有基于实证的系统建构。本研究立足全国仅存的实验区浙江省,以扎根理论为方法论指导,通过对15位初中综合科学特级、正高级等资深教师进行深入访谈,利用MAXQDA 20软件对访谈资料进行整理、编码和分析,建构初中综合科学教师的专业素养模型。该模型包括情意、知识、能力、观念4个核心要素以及14个子要素,表现出初中综合科学教师专业发展的内生性、整合性、探究性、实践性和全面性。为此,建议在职前教师培养和职后教师培训中瞄准该模型,以提升初中综合科学教师专业能力。
英文摘要 The setup of comprehensive science course in junior high schools is a major innovation in our country’s new curriculum reform. As the key to the implementation, the required teacher’s competency framework has not yet been systematically constructed based on empirical evidence. Based on studies of Zhejiang Province, the only remaining experimental area in the country, the research was conducted under the guidance of grounded theory as the methodology, through in-depth interviews with 15 senior teachers of comprehensive science in junior high schools and the interview data were organized, encoded and analyzed by using MAXQDA 20 software to construct the competency model of junior high school comprehensive science teachers. The model, which consists of 4 core elements including affection, knowledge, ability and concept, and 14 sub-elements, demonstrates the features of endogeneity, integration, exploratory, practicality and comprehensiveness of the professional development of comprehensive science teachers in junior high schools. To this end, it is recommended that this model should be targeted in pre-service teacher training and in-service teacher training to promote the professional development of comprehensive science teachers in junior high schools.
頁次 069-074
關鍵詞 初中综合科学 资深教师 教师专业素养模型 扎根理论 junior high school comprehensive science senior teachers teacher competency model grounded theory CSSCI
卷期 34:2
日期 202203
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心