

篇名 數位隱私與國際趨勢
並列篇名 Digital Privacy and International Trends
作者 劉世閔(Shih-Min Liu)
中文摘要 數位隱私是當前重要議題,是種讓使用網際網路者獲得自由不受任意干涉的權利。但很難控制如何使用個人訊息且維護隱私,一不小心,個人數位隱私便會在不知不覺中被外洩。本研究運用NVivo 12 Plus(N12)處理文獻與文件分析,發現數位隱私引發隱私衰竭、數位足跡和隱私悖論的爭議:前者指的是網絡隱私問題的疲勞心理狀態,因此它包含其他相關概念;其次,數位足跡是指使用網路之後留下的任何線索或資料,後者指的是隱私態度和隱私行為之間的二分法。數位隱私權是指個人控制其個人訊息使用的能力,包括被遺忘權、生命權與不被關注的權利。本研究還論及美國《憲法第四修正案》、《兒童線上隱私保護法》和《通用資料保護規範》,這些法律專門針對保護人們使用網際網路進行休閒網絡瀏覽、聊天、遊戲、學校作業、電子郵件、互動學習、物聯網和其他應用程序時的隱私。
英文摘要 Digital privacy is an important issue of the contemporary era. It is a right that allows Internet users to gain freedom without arbitrary interference. After all, an accidental personal digital privacy maybe leaked unconsciously. It is definitely difficult to control how one’s personal information is used and thus maintain privacy. This study uses NVivo 12 plus to deal with literatures and documents to fi nd that digital privacy leads to disputes about privacy fatigue, digital footprint and privacy paradox: The former refers to a psychological state of tiredness with the issue of online privacy so that it encompasses other relevant concepts; Second, the digital footprint refers to any clues or materials left after using the Internet. The later refers to the dichotomy between privacy attitude and privacy behavior. The right of digital privacy refers to individual’s ability to control the use of his/her personal information including the right to be forgotten “the right to life”, and “the right to be left alone.” This study is also addressed Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution, the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), and the General Data Protection Regulation. Those laws specifically targeted to protect people who use the Internet for casual web surfing, chatting, games, schoolwork, e-mail, interactive learning, Internet of Things (IoT) and other applications.
頁次 115-133
關鍵詞 NVivo 12 Plus 法規 數位隱私 laws digital privacy
卷期 309
日期 202001
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602020010309007